7 Million PII Leaked from Russia Ministry’s Traffic Dept

Data from the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Database has been made available online according to claims by threat actors. The group claims to have data on 7 million people.

In a post dated December 29, the group under the alias UsNsA – in a clumsy attempt to pose as America’s National Security Agency, complete with the logo – posted a message on a cybercrime forum about the leaked data.

The group claimed that the data was exfiltrated after a breach of the state’s website sometime on 19 September 2022. It contains data on the number of vehicles, vehicle types, names, etc.

A screenshot of the group claiming to have Russia’s state traffic ministry data

Russia Ministry and data breaches

Government ministries and departments have been preferred targets of hackers since the world nations aligned with either Russia or Ukraine in the ongoing conflict.

The Anonymous collective has been leading the cyber offensive against Russia.

In February 2022, Anonymous was able to breach the database of the Russian Ministry of Defence and published the information online, including emails, passwords, and telephone numbers.

In April, data leak service DDoSecrets released a dump of over 700 GB of data, reportedly stolen from the Russian government by Anonymous, including over 500,000 emails.

The largest dataset in the release, at 446 GB, contained emails from the Russian Ministry of Culture, which is responsible for state policy on art, cinematography, archives, copyright, cultural heritage, and censorship.

In September, Anonymous claimed to have leaked the personal data of over 300,000 individuals who were likely to be mobilized by the Russian government to fight in Ukraine.

In a message on one of their Twitter accounts, Anonymous stated that they had hacked the website of the Russian Ministry of Defense and leaked the data of 305,925 people who were likely to be mobilized in the first wave of mobilization.


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