A Holistic Approach to Security: 6 Strategies to Safeguard Against DDoS Attacks

Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks flood target networks with an overwhelming number of requests all at once, resulting in a denial of service that can shut down internet connectivity across all verticals. They are particularly troublesome since attacks continually evolve to overcome existing defensive measures.

From 2022 to 2023, Radware reported a 120% increase in DDoS attacks, along with a 60% increase in large attack vectors and a staggering 770% increase in malicious web transactions. The rise in DDoS attack scale is partly due to the availability of large-scale Internet of Things (IoT) botnets — networks of compromised devices collaborating in attacks. These sophisticated assaults leverage vast botnet networks, made possible by the proliferation of IoT devices.

These attacks are not mere inconveniences. They have substantial repercussions. The costs of downtime alone can be staggering, averaging $6,130 per minute or $367,800 per hour. Beyond financial losses, successful DDoS attacks can also harm reputations and lead to regulatory violations. Any organization with an online internet presence is susceptible.

Types of DDoS Attacks Vary

DDoS attacks come in various forms, continually evolving to bypass countermeasures. Volumetric attacks flood networks with data, crippling operations. Application layer (L7) attacks target specific applications, slowly draining resources. Protocol attacks exploit network protocol vulnerabilities. However, zero-day DDoS attacks are the most challenging to detect since they are entirely new and lack pre-existing signatures.

Tactics of the attacks can also vary. For example, carpet-bombing attacks target multiple addresses, while burst attacks strike suddenly and deliver intense but short-lived traffic surges, sometimes repeating at various intervals, and SSL floods overwhelm servers with numerous SSL handshakes, all causing network or server resource depletion.

With 31% of organizations facing daily or weekly attacks and 60% encountering attacks monthly, the challenge is substantial, particularly amid a shortage of cybersecurity experts. Given the diversity of DDoS threats and the anticipation of new forms of attack, comprehensive protection is essential. Solutions must defend both network and application layers against current and future attacks.

Real-Time Monitoring Key

An effective DDoS protection strategy hinges on real-time monitoring, enabling rapid identification of attack signatures — whether known or new.

A DDoS protection solution should be easy to deploy and equipped with real-time monitoring for quick detection of a range of attacks. Malicious traffic must be stopped before it reaches your network edge by rerouting it to minimize or prevent disruption, often without you even realizing an attack is in progress.

A holistic approach is crucial to safeguarding against a wide array of advanced DDoS attacks. Advanced technology can be utilized to detect, analyze, and mitigate both sophisticated and emerging DDoS threats. They incorporate behavior-based detection powered by Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to recognize zero-day (unknown) attacks and dynamically adjust defenses based on the specific context of the attack. With access to global detection networks, these solutions automatically deploy updates to protect against new threats. Benefits of these advanced services include:

  • Comprehensive 360-degree defense: Consistent protection against both existing and emerging threats across all environments and entry points is achieved with advanced technologies, combined with threat intelligence. This consistency keeps businesses secure, regardless of network setups or deployment scenarios.
  • Intelligent protection: AI and ML algorithms enable automated, real-time defenses that evolve with new attack vectors, providing adaptive protection against both known and unknown attack types.
  • Fast detection and mitigation: Rapid identification and response are crucial to counter DDoS attacks efficiently. Advanced algorithms detect new attack patterns in real time, ensuring proactive defense against evolving threats.
  • User-friendly portal: A customer portal offering real-time reports and attack insights gives users visibility and control over their network security.
  • Fully managed expert service: A fully managed DDoS protection service provides peace of mind, with security experts available 24/7/365 to offer assistance during attacks and guidance during non-attack periods.
  • Minimized latency with ISP: Leveraging your Internet Service Provider (ISP) for DDoS protection integrates the solution directly into the ISP’s network core, allowing for the fastest possible detection and mitigation. This eliminates the extra hops associated with external scrubbing centers, reducing latency and ensuring optimal network performance during an attack. Additionally, using your ISP streamlines support, with a single team managing both internet service and DDoS mitigation.

With attacks on the rise, organizations can stay ahead of cybercriminals by leveraging DDoS protection backed by advanced technology, intelligent defense mechanisms, and comprehensive support. Proactive and robust defense against the ever-evolving landscape of DDoS cyber threats is critical for safeguarding critical internet connectivity.




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