A static analysis tool to find web endpoints

Existing tools were either dead, regex-based, or didn’t support the analysis capabilities he wanted, so he built and open sourced endpointfinder, which parses JavaScript code into Abstract Syntax Trees (ASTs) to determine the routes that are defined (e.g. $.get() or open() calls on an object of type XMLHttpRequest). These results can by automatically imported via an accompanying Burp or Zap plugin.

I’m a big fan of the power of AST matching over regex (after all, I gave a talk at ShellCon 2019 about it), so I’m glad this work was done.

That said, I feel like Olivier’s use of the term “symbolic” is a bit misleading (to me, it hints at symbolic execution, which this is not), and I think his use of the term “call graph” is a bit different than what’s agreed upon in the program analysis community.

I like yhis talk, but I think the terminology and approach taken (e.g. when reasoning about variable values and function calls) would benefit from doing a bit of literature survey.

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