Advanced Cyber Defence Systems (ADCS) to Showcase Innovative Attack Surface Management Solution at Cloud & Cyber Security Expo

Continuing on from their popular webinar series, Advanced Cyber Defence Systems (ACDS) are taking their ‘Think Like a Hacker’ series to The Cloud & Cyber Expo. At the event, the team will be demoing their cutting-edge Attack Surface Management solution. Additionally, the company’s CTO, Elliott Wilkes, will also be delivering a keynote at the event, helping

It is estimated that 30% of assets are unknown and unmanaged because of fast digital transformation, with research suggesting that 75% of employees will acquire, modify or create tech outside of IT teams’ visibility by 2027. With the rapid proliferation of internet connected devices and the ever-expanding web of cloud providers and software etc., it is becoming increasingly more challenging for security teams to identify risk and take swift action. Enter External Attack Surface Management (EASM): the process of continuously discovering, monitoring, prioritising and remediating possible entry points within an organisation’s IT infrastructure that could be susceptible to an attack.

From its early stages, ACDS recognised the potency of its Attack Surface Management tool in uncovering concealed vulnerabilities across numerous extensive data sources, a capability beyond reach for many competitors. Enhanced by its sophisticated detection mode and leveraging AI and ML models to automate monitoring processes, ACDS efficiently identifies vulnerabilities across an organisation’s internet-facing IPs and domains. Furthermore, it employs a multivariate risk assessment approach, drawing on the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) and the Exploit Prediction Scoring System (EPSS), strategically prioritising vulnerabilities for swift triage.

Elliott Wilkes, CTO at ACDS, comments, “The underlying technology in our products is infused with the same design and engineering and code that underpins critical security systems in use across the UK government.

We are confident that our ASM solution, with access to more and different data sets, is making our solution uniquely powerful amongst ASM competition.”

At the show, Elliott Wilkes, CTO of ACDS, will deliver a keynote outlining how IT teams can use knowledge about how hackers work to their advantage. The talk will help delegates to understand the tools and techniques that cybercriminals use to penetrate an organisation’s defences and highlight the importance of using threat intelligence to determine the severity of a vulnerability based on its ability to cause disruption and financial losses. 

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