Anonymous Sudan Claims To Sell Stolen Data From The Air France Cyber Attack For $3,000

Anonymous Sudan has targeted several nations and has named their healthcare providers, universities, government websites, and even airports to its target list. The Air France cyber attack is probably the first of its newest claim after it listed Air France,

It also claims to sell the stolen data from the Air France cyber attack for $3,000.

Anonymous Sudan has been actively posting on Telegram about how the group is targeting countries, and sectors because of reasons stemming from religious sentiments.

Air France Cyber Attack is the Beginning of the List

“The French airline airfrance has been hacked. Much of their data has been accessed, some will be leaked for proof,” Anonymous Sudan wrote in a post after the Air France cyberattack.

Anonymous Sudan Claims to Sell Stolen Data from the Air France Cyber attack for $3,000
Telegram post of Anonymous Sudan selling stolen data

In a series of claims, the group added Transavia and Flying Blue among others to its target list. Flying Blue is a loyalty program of several air transport service providers including Air France, Transavia, Aircalin, etc.

Air France Cyber Attack

Screenshot with Transavia named as a target

Anonymous Sudan Claims to Sell Stolen Data from the Air France Cyber attack for $3,000

Screenshot from the Telegram post with Flying Blue as its target

Anonymous Sudan and its modus operandi

Anonymous Sudan has been known to launch Distributed Denial of Service attacks on Swedish organizations, since January 2023.

The group announced that they were a part of the Russian Killnet group on 19 February 2023. Anonymous Sudan also announced that they are not a part of the Anonymous collective. The date of joining Telegram suggested that the group was formed as part of a plan to target Sweden’s Rasmus Paludan.

Anonymous Sudan has also targeted Swedish American organizations, Swedish hospitals, and Swedish railways, among others. They first cite reasons on its Telegram channel to launch cyberattacks, name future victims, claim data breaches, and add more details about their cyberattacks.

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