Anonymous Sudan Cooperating With Turk Hack Team

Anonymous Sudan Cooperating with Turk Hack Team!

The pro-Russian threat actor Anonymous Sudan has announced a collaboration with the Turk Hack Team.

In a Telegram post, the group stated that the two would now be cooperating in cyber attacks. “It will be a strong cooperation, and with this cooperation, we will down many targets easily,” read the post.

In a LinkedIn post, Marcus Murray highlighted two main reasons why Anonymous Sudan cooperating with Turk Hack Team is a concerning matter for Sweden and Denmark. 

Firstly, Anonymous Sudan’s plan to initiate DDoS attacks on Swedish organizations as part of a disinformation campaign to interfere with the Swedish NATO bid.

Secondly, to continue attacking Denmark to bring the focus back to the “Burning of the Quran”, which previously influenced Turkey from not endorsing Sweden.

Anonymous Sudan Cooperating with Turk Hack Team

Despite posing as a hacktivist, Anonymous Sudan, has been heavily criticized for being a Pro-Russian hacking group.

According to reports, the threat actor is a member of the prolific KILLNET group and has been working towards aiding Russia in world politics and war. 

Their recent activities inevitably make them anti-NATO, but the threat actor is known for using fake narratives to gain popularity and also link themselves to the notion of hacktivists.  

As highlighted by Murray, Anonymous Sudan has been running a market of cyber attacks where it primarily attacks websites to spread false information and drive a pro-Russian agenda in global media and politics. 

Moreover, according to Radware’s report, Anonymous Sudan has officially been recognized by KILLNET as hacktivists targeting Western nations and countries that oppose Russia.

The group is proficient in DDoS attacks and leverages the KILLNET framework to promote their alleged social and political change.

Anonymous Sudan-Turk Hack Team Cooperation: The deep relationship between the two

When a member of the Anonymous collective wishes to gain traction for online activism against a particular target, this is done in social media by announcing an “operation” in the form of a hashtag “#OpXxxxxx” where “Xxxxx” is the name of the target country or organization, as reported by Truesec. 

The attacks combined DDoS and web defacement operations, typical for Anonymous operations. It is assessed that only some members were involved in the attacks.

However, the attacks were amplified on social media by other self-proclaimed Anonymous hackers, mainly from Islamic countries.

Original Anonymous Sudan emerged in response to the country’s ongoing political and economic challenges. They also launched the #OpSudan during the protests.

The Original Anonymous Sudan is also known for its digital activism, including hacking and DDoS attacks on government and other high-profile websites. These tactics have been used to disrupt government websites and draw attention to issues such as internet censorship and restrictions on free speech.

Anonymous Sudan Cooperating with Turk Hack Team: What to expect?

In addition to their online activities, the original Anonymous Sudan has also been active in street protests and other forms of direct action.

The campaign has been involved in demonstrations against the current transitional government, which they view as insufficiently democratic and representative of the people’s interests.

Overall, the situation in Sudan is a reminder that cybersecurity threats are constantly evolving, and organizations must remain vigilant to stay protected.

The threat of Anonymous Sudan and other Pro-Russian actors is significant and should not be underestimated. As always, the best defense is proactive, so organizations should ensure that they have the latest security measures in place to protect against these threats.

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