Anonymous Sudan targeting the news media in the Middle East on the pretext of the news outlets spreading misinformation.
The hacktivist group listed, and as its victim. The group also claimed to attack The Higher Mind Center by Dr Sam Youssef.
Anonymous Sudan targeting the news media in the Middle East is yet another incident of the hacker collecting turning to cybercrime in the name of social causes.
Of all the targeted websites, and were not accessible at the time of writing.
In a tweet, @FalconFeedsio shared tweets featuring the claims made by the hacktivist group; however, details regarding the alleged cyber attack are yet to be disclosed.
The Cyber Express has reached out to the listed victims to confirm the security incident but is yet to receive a response.
Anonymous Sudan Targeting the News Media: The Accusations
Mazidnews was called a ‘complete disgrace’ to journalism by Anonymous Sudan because of spreading misinformation, fearmongering, and sensationalizing news stories.
Sowing discord was a common cause of Anonymous Sudan targeting the news media in the Middle East.
Another allegation was spreading ‘fitna’ among the Egyptian and Sudanese people, according to the Telegram post of Anonymous Sudan. Fitna is Islam is causing unrest, especially against a righteous leader or person.
The Telegram post of Anonymous Sudan targeting the news media in the Middle East read that the cause of attacking Almashhad was that it posted unreliable content.
It further accused the website of spreading inaccurate information and sensationalizing news like the other news media they targeted.
The group also stated that the media outlet has had a history of “causing undue concern and panic with its reporting”.
Higher Mind Center
Founded by published author Dr Sam Youssef, the Higher mind center was again accused of spreading wrong information.
Dr Youssef has published nine books in Egypt and the Middle East in the field of psychology, parapsychology, energy medicine, and more.
In the Telegram post by Anonymous Sudan, Almamlakatv was also accused of spreading false news.
The post read that the group attacked Almamlakatv for “releasing information that was later confirmed to be false.”
Anonymous Sudan group
The hacktivist group Anonymous Sudan targeting the news media in the Middle East is part of their mission of spreading awareness among people. The group launches DDoS attacks among others and is suspected to be a part of a larger, global network of cyber criminals.
They have been linked to various campaigns and operations including the #OPIsrael and #OPAustralia. The group has been observed to launch attacks strategically on specific dates and for causes aligned with their motives.
Anonymous Sudan has been found to openly show their support to Russia in the Russo-Ukrainian war.
They claim to fight for social and political causes. Besides Anonymous Sudan targeting the news media in the Middle East, several healthcare institutions, universities, airports, and government entities across the globe have also been targeted by them.