Are organizations moving away from passwords?

Passwordless authentication emerges as a calculated response, eliminating the inherent weaknesses of conventional passwords. At the heart of this evolution lies the deployment of passkeys—sophisticated cryptographic tools designed to authenticate users with a level of sophistication and reliability that transcends traditional methods.

In this article, you will find excerpts from authentication surveys we covered in 2023. These findings will enable your organizations to prepare and craft better authentication strategies in the future.

How global password practices are changing

The average user has an overwhelming 227 accounts that require a password, making it unrealistic to expect anyone not using a password manager to be able to adequately secure and manage their digital lives.

Legacy authentication leads to growing consumer frustration

Passkeys, which provide secure and convenient passwordless sign-ins to online services, have grown in consumer awareness despite still being live just over a year, rising from 39% in 2022 to 52% awareness today.

Anticipating the benefits of a passwordless tomorrow

Businesses are ready to embrace a passwordless future, with 92% having a plan to move to passwordless technology and 95% currently using a passwordless experience at their organization.

Passwordless is more than a buzzword among cybersecurity pros

Password security remains highly relevant even as cybersecurity strategies move toward a passwordless future.

Unlocking the passwordless era

Bad password hygiene is responsible for the countless security breaches. In fact, 82% of breaches involve a human element—including phishing attacks, stolen credentials, and errors. However, the transition to passkeys will render these types of attacks obsolete and help reassure the nine in 10 consumers (91%) worried about data breaches.

Navigating the future of digital identity

The results are clear − passwords have outrun their course and it’s time to provide users a simpler, more secure way to validate their identity. In fact, with more digital services available than ever, consumers are actually struggling to recall an ever-growing inventory of password credentials, with 51% of respondents resetting a password at least once a month because they can’t remember it.

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