Basefarm and Detectify enter partnership for better web security

Basefarm, the leading service provider of mission critical applications, and Detectify, a Swedish IT security firm focused on web security, have signed a collaborative deal. Using the collaborative security solution provided by Basefarm and Detectify, customers will be able to safety test their websites in order to identify and fix potential vulnerabilities.

“We offer continuous security tests of websites, giving businesses the opportunity to develop a proactive way of working on IT security. The tests are supplemented by a report detailing existing vulnerabilities and giving concrete proposals for action. Using the new service, which will be available during fall 2016, our customers can test their security more often, which means that we help them boost their security in their web applications”, says Leif Engdahl, CEO of Basefarm.

To help with this, Basefarm has partnered up with Detectify. Founded in 2013, they have become a rising talent in the security industry. Several of the founders are well-known security experts, being able to draw attention to serious vulnerabilities in both Google and Facebook. Riisto Siilasmaa, founder of F-Secure, and Nick Coleman, Head of Cyber Security at IBM, are two of the big names in security that have decided to invest in the company.

Finding vulnerabilities fast

“By continuously testing sites with Detectify, you identify vulnerable code before it’s released publicly, reducing the risk of hacker attack. To date, we’ve helped over 15 000 businesses in conducting security tests and found critical vulnerabilities in 90% of the conducted tests. Businesses are starting to realize the importance of working on security before you fall victim to a hacker attack. Our solution provides IT security at an affordable price and in an understandable way to Basefarm’s customers”, says Rickard Carlsson, CEO of Detectify.

Partnership with excellence

Basefarm are collaborating closely with their partners, and have chosen to work with world leading technology providers in their respective field.

“We collaborate with the best businesses in their fields, together creating value for our customers. Detectify is a great fit in our affiliate strategy using excellence and solutions”, continues Leif Engdahl.

Total solutions for service and security

In this day and age security is a strategic issue for all businesses and most technological development aims at protecting customers’ data.

“As a service provider, it’s crucial to be able to ensure that customers’ data is secure. Early on, we managed to identify what the market demand is, and that is one of the reasons behind our successful, steady growth. Basefarm is always working on security and quality in every field”, concludes Leif Engdahl.

Do you want to learn more about web security? Sign up for our joint breakfast seminar on October 5th.

White hat hacking for the CIO – How do hackers think?

What should you do in order to protect yourself online, and what are the most common mistakes?

On October 5th, Basefarm and Detectify invite you to a joint breakfast seminar in central Stockholm. One of the highest ranked hackers in the world will be telling his story, explaining the much talked about hacker culture and describing the most critical security bugs he has encountered during his career as a bug hunter. Michael Pettersson, responsible for IT security at Bonnier News, will also be sharing how they’re working on security.

Sign up and event details.


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