Become a HackerOne Brand Ambassador

HackerOne is excited to announce the launch of the Hacker Brand Ambassador Program. Hacker Brand Ambassadors are leaders who have a passion to bring the community together in their local city. As a Brand Ambassador, you will run your local chapter representing your city and will have the opportunity to learn, educate and hack with your local community gaining skills and experience to lead hackers.

In order to become a Hacker Brand Ambassador, you must have a natural passion for hacking and building community. You need to be active on HackerOne whether you’re an avid bug bounty hunter, participating in pentests or finding flags on the Hacker101 CTF. The most important requirement as a Hacker Brand Ambassador is the commitment to keeping your group consistently engaged. Hacker Brand Ambassadors will have the freedom to choose engagements and activities that will keep you and your members excited.  We will require a minimum of one event or engagement per quarter to keep the consistency. 

In addition to this resume booster, as a Hacker Brand Ambassador, you will get perks like exclusive physical and digital swag to symbolize your leadership. You will get direct access to the HackerOne Community Team to ask questions, seek advice and receive assistance to ensure you are supported to run a successful chapter. You will be able to meet lifelong friends and expand your professional network.

At this time, we have closed the application period. We will open the application period in June 2021. Keep an eye out for our formal announcement.

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected] for more information!

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