Biggest Leak Of Corporations Data Says BlackByte Ransomware

In a shocking cybersecurity news revelation, the BlackByte ransomware gang has claimed “one of the biggest leaks of corporations…” on the Dark Web.

In a Dark Web post, the BlackByte ransomware gang has claimed to have a list of organizations whose “personal information” they have managed to steal.

Claims of ‘One of the Biggest Leaks of Corporations’

According to a Twitter update from cybersecurity expert Dominic Alvieri, along with a screenshot of a message from the BlackByte gang, it reads, “Hello dear visitors of our creativity. Today we want to provide you with one of the biggest leaks of corporations data.”

The message goes on to say, “It will include all those companies that thought they would be able to get through this without any consequences of leaking personal information on the network spaces.”

biggest leaks of corporations

BlackByte concludes the message by stating, “of course, those with reached an agreement not included in this list. Enjoy watching!”

About BlackByte

BlackByte is a ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) malware operation that has been used in attacks against businesses in the US and abroad.

The group began targeting corporate victims worldwide in July 2021. It is run by a cyber-crime group called Hecamede. The group has mostly targeted government and financial organizations.

BlackByte employs a growingly popular double extortion approach, utilizing malware, open-source penetration testing tools, and living-off-the-land techniques to achieve the following:

  • Elevate privileges
  • Traverse the victim’s network laterally
  • Focus on critical data for both exfiltration and encryption

This year in July, BlackByte ransomware launched a significantly terrifying cyberattack by deploying Cobalt Strike beacons, facilitating command, and control operations. They managed to carry out the attack by infiltrating, encrypting, and extorting in just five days.

The ransomware gang BlackByte is proudly declaring their involvement in what they describe as “one of the most significant corporate data breaches” in history.

They brazenly announce their revelations on the Dark Web about a collection of companies whose secrets have supposedly been plundered by a group of hackers.

Such arrogance is frustrating when noticing how even with its large scale, standing, and inviolability against cyber crimes there is absolutely no guarantee for any organization.

Additionally, the discovery of blackmail techniques is a demonstration of the problems that are experienced while safeguarding the digital world as the cybersecurity community is continuously fighting against these threats.

Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

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