BlackCat Website Unseized, Hackers Threaten FBI

BlackCat Website Unseized? Just hours following the FBI’s announcement regarding the seizure of the ALPHV/BlackCat threat group’s website, the hacker collective is now asserting that they have reestablished control, accompanied by a menacing message directed at the FBI.

In a widely circulated dark web post concerning the resurgence of the ALPHV BlackCat website, the ransomware group divulges the repercussions of the takedown and provides specific details of the exposed information to the FBI.

For the unversed, less than 24 hours ago, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) declared the disruption of the BlackCat ransomware group through the seizure of their leak site.

Additionally, the DOJ revealed that the FBI’s decryption tool aided in restoring data for more than 500 ransomware victims, alongside the seizure of “several websites” affiliated with the ALPHV/Blackcat ransomware gang as part of a multinational law enforcement effort.

ALPHV/BlackCat Website Unseized Claims Hacker Collective, Threatens FBI With Consequences
BlackCat Website Unseized: FBI’s official post. (Source: Twitter)

BlackCat Website Unseized

“As you all know, the FBI received the keys to our blog, now we will tell you how it all happened,” begins the post, which goes on to explain how the FBI has access to only one DCs, while the others remained untouched.

“The maximum that they have is the keys for the last month and a half, that’s about 400 companies, but now, because of them, more than 3000 companies will never receive their keys.”

“Because of their actions, we are introducing new rules, or rather we are removing all rules, except one, you cannot touch the CIS, you can now block hospitals, nuclear power plants, anything, anywhere.”

BlackCat Website Unseized
Message posted by the hacker collective following the seizing of their leak site by the FBI (Source: Twitter)

The dark web post further stated that the rate is not 90% for all advertisers, however, no discount will be given to companies and the payment is what they have indicated.

The hacker collective concluded the post by stating that they will “take into account” their mistake and “work even harder”, and are waiting for “requests for discounts that no longer exist”.

The post also included a link to their new portal.

The open-source community @vxunderground tweeted about receiving a message from the hacker collective, stating, “ALPHV ransomware group administrative group has contacted us to inform us they have moved their servers and blogs,” alongside a screenshot of the conversation.

ALPHV/BlackCat Website Unseized Claims Hacker Collective, Threatens FBI With Consequences
(Source: Twitter)

This post has stirred significant attention on social media, sparking curiosity about the true nature of the situation. Amidst the substantial FBI crackdown, the revelation from BlackCat suggesting minimal impact raises compelling questions.

Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

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