Can Artificial Intelligence Help in Learning Cybersecurity?

$1.5 billion – That was the estimated size of the global Artificial Intelligence training dataset market in 2021. It is expected to grow at an annual compound growth rate (CAGR) of 22.2% till 2030. AI is increasingly being used in industries like manufacturing, IT, BFSI, retail, e-commerce, and healthcare. The growing need for specific training data is also creating opportunities for new companies.

AI plays a crucial role in big data by being able to extract high-level and complex information through a hierarchical learning process, resulting in the need to mine and find meaningful patterns in large amounts of data. Besides reasoning, making deductions, and problem-solving, AI has been exploited to break down the complexity of coding and details related to cybersecurity.

AI learning and ambitions

The cybersecurity field requires millions of professionals working to protect data, however not many seek a qualification in it. The reason may be the lack of certification courses introduced at an early stage of schooling when children build ambitions.

They aim to be most other professionals except for a CISO or a cybersecurity expert because it is a relatively newer role. The lack of cybersecurity professionals was nearly 3.5 million globally in the first quarter of 2022 according to a Forbes report. AI has gained impetus in creating easier solutions for cybersecurity students. Let’s look at the advantages and disadvantages of learning cybersecurity through artificial intelligence.

“AI is taking e-learning to the next level – engaging employees with personalized and customized content and training approaches. AI cyber security training means that you no longer need to rely on cookie-cutter one size fits all training,” noted a Terranova security report on AI and cybersecurity training.

“Businesses are already interacting with customers and motivating them to take action using AI. The number of applications and use cases has increased significantly as organizations continue to invest in AI,” said a report by Cyprus-based software business InData Labs.

Researchers contacted by The Cyber Express were unanimous in the fact that cybersecurity training can gain a significant competitive edge from AI. The application of AI learning systems explores innumerable new avenues by quick updation and adaptation to the demands of contemporary learners.

Here are the most common advantages of AI in learning cybersecurity:

  1. All information in one place

AI can bring a pool of cybersecurity information to one place. Whether a beginner has second thoughts about learning an additional cybersecurity course or a professional who must peruse more resources, AI tools, apps, websites, and learning solutions can be programmed to offer relevant results to each student. It can also offer creative solutions with pictures and videos that a teacher may not have or need to make.

  1. Several students can be taught at one time

AI can be used at home, in schools and universities, or in open classrooms according to the comfort of the student. It can take instructions from several students using their login and accounts and provide the information asked by each student all at one time.

  1. Teacher and tutor

AI can offer extra explanations without disturbing the class. It never tires and hence would answer several questions. It can encourage learning in an interactive manner where sharing of information is freely done without worrying about covering the syllabus in a certain timeline.

  1. Free from biases

AI can offer reasons and answers to difficult questions which are not self-motivated. An AI teacher may offer factual and updated information that is neither biased nor ill-informed.

  1. Special resources for detailed learning for interested students

For students who want to learn more about a certain topic, or want to cover an entirely unrelated topic, AI would offer resources for it all. This would give enough encouragement and options to choose the most relevant information.

  1. Reduced cost

No matter how long a class runs, AI can go on without charging for overtime. It can offer cybersecurity education without incurring the cost of infrastructure, salaries, travel, etc. when taken at home.

  1. Free learning environment

AI can offer a learning environment that has the least distraction and no constraint of time and space in remote classrooms. It can get the students to learn without the fear of bullying or being laughed at when posed with a challenging question. Students may feel more confident when there isn’t scope for shame in case of failures or setbacks.

  1. Round-the-clock availability

It can be accessed at any time the student is available. They can combine other work and commitments and schedule their classes according to their availability, in case of remote and distant learning as applicable.

  1. Online facilities

AI can present exams, and results, online. It can offer future services a student might seek like career guidance, tips, and tricks of the trade, market research, etc. before joining the cybersecurity workforce.

  1. Continuous pouring of certification to students

A student of cybersecurity can add several degrees and certifications to their portfolio depending upon their own capacity to learn.

  1. A flow of certified students and professionals to bridge the skill gap

The more the students complete their education and certification in cybersecurity, the more the pool of talent available to be absorbed in the industry.

  1. Learning buddy

An AI app or tool can train by adapting to the student and with all the features that are available, it can create a friendly learning environment for the cybersecurity student.

  1. AI can be customized for looks, voice, and presentation

A learning buddy or teacher, AI learning material, and the presenter as designed by the tool can be customized to the preference of the learner.

  1. AI can be a driving force to draw students toward cybersecurity

Knowing how versatile artificial intelligence and its tools are, a student may find motivation in deep diving into it and learning topics related to it such as cybersecurity using artificial intelligence.

  1. Customizable for learning difficulty

Artificial intelligence learning apps and tools can be customized to be used by students with specific disabilities. It can offer a robust environment that is free from bullying or shaming thereby encouraging a diverse pool of talent.

  1. It can teach various languages regardless of where the student is based

AI tools can be customized to teach in various languages to students according to their level of comfort. Moreover, it can combine languages and offer translated results for specific scenarios and topics if the students seek it.

  1. Fill the gap by giving positive reinforcement

A teacher may miss encouraging or congratulating a student as needed however, AI learning tools can be programmed to offer applause, corrections, adequate feedback, and food for thought that may help to learn.

  1. AI can offer creative distractions

It can provide a variety of entertainment, set reminders to take breaks, and offer meditative exercises, jokes, etc., that a learner may require at regular intervals. A creative distraction can prepare students better especially after learning something complex.

  1. Fully updated

It can provide real-time updates and information to learners if synced as such with current events. Students can help learn about cybersecurity trends and it can pique their interest in what is happening at the moment in the cybersecurity world. The student may not have to use other devices, media, or resources for the same.

  1. One tool for several grades

The same AI app, tool, or solution can be used by other members of the household or group to learn different cybersecurity courses and certifications.

The future of AI in learning cybersecurity

The potential benefits of AI in the field of learning and development (L&D) are well-recognized by executives, but the implementation of AI strategies in L&D is still limited.

According to MIT Sloan Management Review, 85% of executives believe that artificial intelligence (AI) can help them achieve or maintain a competitive advantage. However, the same research indicates that less than 39% of companies have developed an AI strategy for their learning and development (L&D) initiatives.

One reason for this is that AI L&D systems and strategies are still primarily initiated and managed by human professionals. While AI-powered learning management systems (LMS) can improve the efficiency of L&D, they still need to be chosen, set up, and programmed by human professionals who understand their organization’s specific needs.

Additionally, L&D professionals are still responsible for creating and delivering high-quality learning content through these systems. Another limitation is that AI systems require ongoing monitoring and maintenance by human professionals to ensure they are functioning properly and continue to adapt and improve.

“AI algorithms are not natively “intelligent.” They learn inductively by analyzing data. While most leaders are investing in AI talent and have built robust information infrastructures, other companies lack analytics expertise and easy access to their data,” said the MIT Sloan Review.

According to the information curated by The Cyber Express, these are the possible drawbacks of using AI in cybersecurity training.

  1. Feeling stuck if faced with difficulty

There is scope for having several interpretations and a heavy data dump when posed with a specific or relatively simpler question. A student may feel confused about which resource or explanation to go for when they are offered a plethora of learning material. Moreover, they may ask the same question fetching them the same answer over and over. A teacher may narrow a topic down by understanding what the student is implying that an AI may not at times.

  1. AI can get hacked

A student can get disappointed and lose trust if while using an AI tool, it gets hacked. It can leave a lasting scar on their mind if the incident creates a bigger problem like a data leak. Delayed exams can impact young minds more than professionals seeking cybersecurity education using AI.

  1. Lack of discipline

A student may continue learning without breaks causing them fatigue and other health problems in the absence of a teacher.

  1. No one to motivate them

A student may get demotivated or lose interest for unforeseen reasons and may not have a group of classmates or a teacher in the case of distance learning.

  1. May get distracted by its features

While artificial intelligence tools can offer all kinds of solutions in various media such as audio, visuals, pictures, etc., they can keep the student glued to it for extended periods leading to distractions and interruptions in learning cybersecurity.

  1. AI technology may get interrupted

In the absence of connectivity or power loss, the flow of learning may get interrupted. Moreover, it may seek more knowledge of using the tech or app that a student may not have at the time of joining a particular course.

  1. Too many options to choose from

While it may offer all the certification options that a student can choose from, having many courses that seem similar or too different can further confuse the student. Having a person to talk with who could offer help or advice may offer better clarity.

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