Chat GPT is Great, but AI Can Never Replace Humans

Bringing together a diverse professional cyber know-how, intellectual fascination with history and culture, and eclectic academic background focusing on diplomacy and the cultures of Central Asia, Yehudah Sunshine attempts to keenly blend his deep understanding of the global tech ecosystem with a nuanced worldview of the underlying socio-economic and political forces which drive policy and impact innovation in the cyber sectors.

His current work focuses on how to create and enhance marketing strategies and cyber-driven thought leadership for Cyfluencer.

He has written and researched extensively within cybersecurity, the service sectors, international criminal accountability, Israel’s economy, Israeli diplomatic inroads, Israeli innovation and technology, and Chinese economic policy.

In the exclusive interview with The Cyber Express, he talks about why AI is still a long way from taking over jobs.

He feels, while AI can perform certain tasks more efficiently and accurately than humans, it lacks the ability to think critically, understand context, and make ethical decisions like humans can. AI can complement human abilities and enhance our productivity, but it will not be capable of completely replacing human decision making and creativity.

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