ChatGPT and Cyber Attacks – Cybersecurity Insiders

For the past few days, Microsoft funded OpenAI developed ChatGPT is trending on news headlines for different reasons. While one news channel or resource focuses more on its positives, the other tries to figure out the cons that the AI model will draw towards the humans.

After passing the gold standard test (USMLE) meant to practice medicine in the United States, the newly developed chat-based search engine is being developed in such a way that it could replace professors teaching medicine and clinical practice-based studies.

PubMedGPT, a counterpart to the current chat based model of AI, has the ability to teach medicine and help educate the future doctors on how they could face different scenarios when pandemics such as COVID-19 emerge in the future.

Mimicking this trend will be Google released AI Bot Bard integrated into a new search engine that will be dedicated to the medical field. It not only helps people seeking medical guidance, but will also help doctors in diagnosing, analyzing and treating illnesses that remain otherwise too time-consuming to be tracked just by human minds.

That said about positives, let’s speak about the negatives that emerge with ChatGPT. Security analysts suggest that state funded actors can use the technology to launch cyber-attacks, such as those linked to phishing.

According to a report compiled by Blackberry, some countries like China and North Korea have already started using AI tech in launching innovation filled sophisticated cyber-attacks. And this can spell a doomsday any time.

Therefore, the need for the hour will be to invest in cybersecurity solutions that are also driven by Machine Learning (ML) tools. In a survey conducted by Gartner, 81 percent of organizations are interested in bolstering their IT infrastructure security and among them, 48% want solutions that are with time and future proof with the help of AI backup. This shows that company heads are concerned about the ineffectiveness of their in-house solutions and want to go for automated cyber protection methods, thus matching the current cyber landscape.

Who knows, at some part of the world hackers might test the cyber waters with the help of ChatGPT and in the other part of the world, security researchers might prepare the counter-measures?



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