ChatGPT Leaks Samsung Data After Permitting at Semiconductor Plants

As ChatGPT began to rule the AI industries, resulting in the Samsung semiconductor plant, ChatGPT leaked Samsung corporate data accidentally just after 20 days of implementation.

The leaked content related to semiconductors is ‘facility measurement’ and ‘yield/defect, and the report states that if corporate secrets are entered in the question, the contents can be leaked to an unspecified number of people.

There were 3 incidents of accidentally entering Samsung Electronics’ corporate information into ChatGPT. Meanwhile, ChatGPT specifies, “Do not enter sensitive information through the ChatGPT usage guide in the 8th point.

As a result, Samsung Electronics has been blocking the use of ChatGPT within its workplaces out of concern about leaks of internal confidential information.


“However, from the 11th, the DS division permitted ChatGPT. The device experience sector (DX, mobile, and home appliances) still prohibits ChatGPT”. South Korean Economist report says.

Also, the Company warns its executives and employees to “be careful about internal information security and do not enter private information.

What are the Exact data Leaked by ChatGPT?

Sources that reported this incident stated that The contents of the accident identified by Samsung Electronics are ‘2 cases of leakage of equipment information’ and ‘1 case of leakage of meeting contents’.

As a result, the Company limited the upload capacity to 1024 bytes per question.

In this case, there were 3 employees have submitted the following date into ChatGPT.

An Employee from Samsung Electronics’ DS division confirmed an error while executing the source code of the semiconductor facility measurement database (DB) download program, and he attempted to find a solution by entering the source code into ChatGPT for solutions.

The second employee accidentally entered the program code written to identify yield and defective equipment into ChatGPT and requested Code optimization.

Another employee converted the contents of the meeting recorded on his smartphone into a document file through the Naver Clova application and submitted the file into ChatGPT to prepare it for the meeting.

Company Notice

Samsung informed its executives and employees that as soon as data is entered into ChatGPT, it is going stored in the external server, and there is no way to retrieve it, so If a similar accident occurs even after emergency information protection measures are taken, access to ChatGPT may be blocked on the company network.”

it’s important to note that Samsung is already working on building its artificial intelligence (AI) service exclusively for the company under the supervision of the Innovation Center, an organization within the DS.

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