Chrome 129 Released with Fix for Multiple Security Vulnerabilities

The Chrome team has officially announced the release of Chrome 129, which is now available on the stable channel for Windows, Mac, and Linux.

This update, which will be gradually rolled out over the coming days and weeks, addresses several security vulnerabilities and introduces various improvements. Users are encouraged to update their browsers to benefit from these enhancements.

Key Security Fixes

Chrome 129.0.6668.58 for Linux and 129.0.6668.58/.59 for Windows and Mac includes nine security fixes, some of which were contributed by external researchers.

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The details of these fixes will remain restricted until most users have updated their browsers to ensure security across all platforms.

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The following table highlights some of the key security issues addressed in this release:

Severity CVE ID Description Reward Date Reported
High CVE-2024-8904 Type Confusion in V8 N/A 2024-09-08
Medium CVE-2024-8905 Inappropriate implementation in V8 $8000 2024-08-15
Medium CVE-2024-8906 Incorrect security UI in Downloads $2000 2024-07-12
Medium CVE-2024-8907 Insufficient data validation in Omnibox $1000 2024-08-18
Low CVE-2024-8908 Inappropriate implementation in Autofill $1000 2024-04-26
Low CVE-2024-8909 Inappropriate implementation in UI $1000 2024-05-18

In addition to these externally reported issues, the Chrome team has implemented various internal security fixes through audits, fuzzing, and other initiatives.

The Chrome team continues prioritizing security by working with researchers and utilizing advanced tools such as AddressSanitizer, MemorySanitizer, UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer, Control Flow Integrity, libFuzzer, and AFL to detect vulnerabilities.

These efforts are part of an ongoing commitment to maintaining a secure browsing experience for all users. 

Users interested in exploring different release channels or reporting new issues can find more information on the Chrome Security Page or participate in the community help forum.

As always, the Chrome team appreciates the contributions of security researchers worldwide who help prevent vulnerabilities from reaching the stable channel.

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