Compliance Never Equals to Security: Aditya Mukherjee

Aditya Mukherjee is a man of many hats in cybersecurity. Awarded CISO of the year thrice several times, he has managed different roles in cybersecurity, from a test engineer to an entrepreneur. His work life spans across the cybersecurity spectrum, from niche services to global consultancies.

Aditya Mukherjee has been spearheading security, technology, and business transformations in diverse environments, with expertise pertaining to design, strategy planning, road mapping, and implementation.

Based on his consulting experience in briefing the board and risk committees about the organization’s cyber security posture, maturity, and roadmap, Aditya Mukherjee says that a CISO’s biggest possible ally on execution and budget sanctions is a cybersecurity director on the board.

Communicating the “ROI factor” is a crucial skill that CISOs have to gain. A security director helps CISO in that, he explained in a concise and insightful interview with The Cyber Express.

Watch the interview here:

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