Criminal IP, a globally recognized Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) solution by AI SPERA, has launched its Criminal IP Malicious Link Detector add-in on the Microsoft Marketplace.
This cutting-edge tool provides real-time phishing email detection and URL blocking for Microsoft Outlook, adding an essential layer of email security in the face of increasing cyber threats.
Generative AI advancements have led to a rise in highly sophisticated phishing attacks that are harder than ever to identify.
The Criminal IP Malicious Link Detector offers a powerful defense by analyzing email links in real-time to detect and block phishing URLs and malicious domains. Seamlessly integrated with Microsoft Outlook and available at no cost, it delivers strong protection for individuals and organizations alike.
Case Study: Phishing Email Targeting Cryptocurrency Wallet Users
In one instance, Criminal IP detected a phishing email targeting Trust Wallet users. The email contained links disguised as official pages, aiming to deceive users into downloading malware.
The Criminal IP Malicious Link Detector swiftly identified and blocked these malicious URLs in real-time, averting potential harm.
Getting Started with the Criminal IP Malicious Link Detector
Using the tool is straightforward:
1. Signing Up: Creating an account on the Criminal IP platform.
2. Installing the Add-In: Downloading and integrating the add-in from Microsoft Marketplace.
3. Start Scanning: Email links are automatically scanned upon login, with results displayed instantly.
As cyber threats evolve rapidly, the Criminal IP Malicious Link Detector ensures the users’ emails are protected against phishing links and malicious URLs. Download it today to stay ahead of emerging cyber risks and strengthen email security.
AI SPERA, renowned for its advanced solutions, has expanded internationally, with ‘Criminal IP’ as its flagship offering.
Operating in over 150 countries, Criminal IP is powered by robust security solutions such as Criminal IP ASM and Criminal IP FDS. Its strategic collaborations with global leaders like Cisco, VirusTotal, and Quad9 have significantly bolstered its capabilities.
AI SPERA’s Criminal IP has also made its mark in the marketplaces of leading U.S. data warehousing platforms, including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Snowflake, further extending its global reach in threat data management.