Customize ZAP HUD 🎮

Today, I write a post about how to use ZAP HUD in an engaging manner. While ZAP HUD may not have incredibly useful features at the moment, experimenting with it could be worthwhile since it has the potential to bring about changes in the analytical approach. ZAP HUD HUD Base Directory You can find the Base path of your HUD in Options > HUD. Options > HUD > Base Directory Tree I have a preference for working in VSCode most of the time, so I open it. First step Enable HUD When you activate the HUD, menus appear on the left/right sides and the bottom of the browser. Through these menus, you can control ZAP. Find target To modify the desired area within the HUD, you can use the browser’s developer tools to locate it. When attempting to alter the design, you typically reference classes. Overwirte Code Now, you can proceed to modify the code of the desired section. I’ll try changing the background color to transparent. Once you reload the HUD, it will operate according to the code changes you’ve made. Second, Imagination From now on, it depends on your imagination. While the HUD may have a few…

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