Cyber Attack On French National Police: VulzSec Claims Hit

A cyber attack on French National Police has resulted in a leak of the operations information and profile data of officers at risk, claimed the VulzSec hacking group.

The French National Police (Police nationale) serves as the primary civil law enforcement agency in France.

In a post on its Telegram channel, the VulzSec hacking group claimed that it has compromised and leaked sensitive data, which includes 7,092 branch data records of the French National Police and profiles of 30 prominent police officers from Bourg-de-Péage.

According to VulzSec hacking group, the attack was in retaliation for police brutality.

The Cyber Express has reached out to the French National Police to verify the claim made by the VulzSec Hacking Group.

Cyber Attack on French National Police

Cyber Attack on French National Police: Scope and Scale

VulzSec hacking group made the claim on a Telegram post on 4 July, under the handle VulzSec Official.

“In recent times, there have been reports of the shooting of a 17-year-old teenager in France. It is very strange that a member of the police force attacks the citizens they are supposed to protect,” said the post.

“We certainly find it difficult to accept this, because this is about humanity. French Police Operation Declared!”

In another post on the same data, the data samples of what the hacker group claims to be French National Police data were shared.

With its jurisdiction focused on cities and large towns, the French National Police operates under the authority of the Ministry of the Interior and boasts a workforce of approximately 145,200 employees as of 2015.

Cyber Attack on French National Police

VulzSec, a well-known hacking group recognized for its audacious exploits, was in the cybersecurity news recently for targeting several Indonesian news media websites.

Their recent operation has resulted in the exposure of sensitive information belonging to the French Police Department, raising concerns about the potential consequences of such a breach.

The leaked data comprises 7092 branch data records, indicating a significant volume of internal information that could be potentially exploited by malicious actors.

Additionally, the personal profiles of 30 featured police officers from Bourg-de-Péage have been exposed, posing a potential risk to their safety and compromising their operational effectiveness.

French National Police and the nationwide riots

In recent days, France has been engulfed in protests and riots following the fatal shooting of a teenager named Nahel M. by a police officer in the Paris suburb of Nanterre.

The incident, similar to George Floyd’s murder in the United States, has sparked outrage and calls for justice.

Videos of the encounter contradicted the official narrative, showing that the police officers were standing next to the driver’s window when one of them shot Nahel at close range, reported the NPR. The 17-year-old’s family held a funeral for him in Nanterre.

The protests in France have been marked by violence, fires, and hundreds of arrests. On Saturday night, the situation appeared calmer compared to previous days, with 427 arrests reported.

However, the night before, over 1,300 arrests were made as riots broke out across the country. Despite deploying 45,000 police officers in an attempt to curb the violence, the efforts were unsuccessful.

The police officer responsible for shooting Nahel is now in custody and has been charged with voluntary homicide.

The officer claimed to have fired his gun out of fear for his safety and the safety of others. However, the preliminary investigation concluded that the officer did not meet the legal standard to use his weapon, said the NPR report.

Protesters are demanding justice for Nahel and using the incident as an opportunity to address broader issues of systemic police abuse.

They argue that police brutality is prevalent in working-class areas and disproportionately affects marginalized communities.

Last year, 13 people were killed after being stopped for traffic violations, setting a record in France. Demonstrators are calling for an end to such abuses and seeking reforms to address the issue.

Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

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