Cyber Toufan Cyberattack Hits Israeli Giants

The infamous Cyber Toufan operations boldly declared their successful breach of Bermad, a prominent water system provider in Israel. The purported cyberattack on Bermad coincides with heightened tensions in the region, where there are allegations of restricted access to vital resources such as food, medicine, and water for Palestinians.

Bermad Water Control Solutions, a key player in the global water systems industry (, found itself at the center of Cyber Toufan’s assault. The group, expressing their dissatisfaction with the situation in the region, specifically targeted the largest water systems company in Israel. 

The Intentional Cyber Toufan Cyberattack Spree

The Cyber Express reached out to Bermad for official comments regarding the Cyber Toufan cyberattack. However, as of the time of writing, no official statement or response has been received from Bermad, leaving the claims unverified.

Source: Twitter

Interestingly, Bermad’s website remains operational, showing no apparent signs of the reported attack.

Furthermore, Cyber Toufan operations expanded their cyber offensive by claiming breaches on several other Israeli organizations, including the renowned food company OSEM, the fashion brand H&O, and the e-commerce brand Hagarin. The motives behind these Cyber Toufan cyberattacks are rooted in allegations of support for Zionist causes and claims of harmful substances in products destined for Palestinians.

The first leak revealed the complete database of Osem, a prominent Zionist food company currently owned by Nestle. Cyber Toufan accused the company of supporting the Israeli army and admitted to placing harmful substances causing cancer in the food destined for Palestinians.

More Targeted Cyberattacks on Israel Organizations

The second leak exposed sensitive information from the e-commerce website of H&O Fashion, a major player in Israel’s fashion-retail industry. The database included names, phone numbers, home addresses, emails, passwords (hashes), and more. H&O Fashion boasts an annual revenue exceeding US$100 million.

Another breach targeted Hagarin, an Israeli agricultural supplies company with 37 branches across the occupied territories. Cyber Toufan justified the attack, citing Hagarin’s founding in 1896 by European refugees seeking asylum in Palestinian Muslim lands.

Previously, Cyber Toufan Team’s hacking exploits targeted entities such as Soda Stream, the Back2School Project, and Israel’s Ministry of Health. The group, in a dark web post, claimed to have breached Soda Stream’s customer database, exposing the personal details of over 100,000 Israeli customers.

A similar breach occurred with the Back2School Project, revealing sensitive information about registered individuals, including names, numbers, home addresses, emails, and hashed passwords. 

The cumulative impact of these Cyber Toufan cyberattacks raises concerns about the growing sophistication and reach of cyber threat actors in the region. Israeli organizations are now confronted with the imperative to fight against hundreds of hacker groups supporting Palestine in this ongoing conflict. 

Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

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