Cyberattack On Chinese Government, Defence Data Compromised

The Chinese Ministry of State Security (MSS) has revealed an incident of foreign espionage operations pertaining to the hiring of a Chinese software engineer who provided “technical services.”

According to a report by the Global Times, a state-affiliated media outlet in China, a foreign intelligence agency allegedly conducted a cyberattack on Chinese Government systems, purportedly stealing secrets from various Chinese defense and high-tech companies through the use of ‘poisoned’ software.

Cyberattack on Chinese Government

The MSS stated on its official WeChat account on Monday morning that Wang, a Chinese engineer in the network technology services field, was approached earlier this year by a foreign software developer.

He requested Wang to establish “digital signature certificates” and conduct “antivirus software tests” for their numerous software products. Promised significant compensation, this was aimed at ensuring a smooth passage through China’s cybersecurity certification and testing procedures.

As their friendship grew, the software engineer began making contradicting claims and acting strangely when he urged Wang to communicate via encrypted links and certain software.

Wang came to understand that the developer was more than just a typical business, and that by offering “technical services,” software with security flaws might be able to get past China’s cybersecurity laws and into the country’s application market.

Wang was attracted to financial gain even though he was aware of the risks, and he collaborated with the company by offering “technical services” for dozens of its software products.

Investigations revealed that Wang’s foreign partner, a developer, was actually an international intelligence organization. The software Wang maintained included programs that were specifically designed to infect computers, servers, and other network devices with Trojan viruses to carry out cyberattack on Chinese Government agencies. These programs could then be triggered to steal materials, data, and documents from these systems.

According to the MSS, this spy agency carried out cyberattack on Chinese Government agencies and stole trade secrets from numerous defense and high-tech companies in China using the “poisoned” software.

Following the discovery of the problem, China’s national security agencies acted properly, notified the appropriate units, and avoided serious losses and damage. In accordance with the law, Wang also paid a price for his wishful thinking and was hit with administrative penalties.

According to the Global Times report, the ministry has issued a caution regarding the possibility of foreign espionage agencies utilizing network assets and services such as digital signatures, certificates, security tests, domain names, cloud servers, and emails as tools to conduct cyberattacks on the Chinese government.

It also issued a warning, stating that there is a serious threat to national security from the increasingly active cyber espionage activities, precise and fierce technical attacks, and constantly evolving methods of theft that have made cyberspace a major conduit for foreign espionage agencies to infiltrate and steal secrets from China.

About the Chinese Ministry of State Security

The Ministry of State Security (MSS) serves as the intelligence agency of the People’s Republic of China, also recognized as Guoanbu. Its operations encompass counterintelligence, foreign espionage, cyber espionage, and managing dissent.

Additionally, the MSS operates a regional foreign intelligence branch in Nanjing, China, known as the Jiangsu Province Ministry of State Security (JSSD).

Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

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