Cyberattack On Indian Government Claimed By StarsX Team

The StarsX Team hacker group has claimed responsibility for an alleged cyberattack on Indian government websites. The group made its announcement on a dark web forum, providing links to substantiate their claims.

The attached links contained a list of alleged victims and references to to support their assertions. Notably, the threat actor appears to be affiliated with Indonesia, as indicated by the Indonesian flag attached to the threat actor’s name.

The claimed cyberattack specifically targeted five government websites: the Department of Justice, High Court of Punjab and Haryana, UP Police, Intellectual Property India, and the Employees’ State Insurance Corporation.

Despite these claims, a closer inspection reveals that all the mentioned websites are currently functioning normally, showing no signs of the Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack alleged by the threat actor.

Claims of Cyberattack on Indian Government Websites

Cyberattack on Indian Government Websites
Source: Twitter

A DDoS attack is a malicious attempt to disrupt the normal functioning of a targeted server, service, or network by overwhelming it with a flood of internet traffic.

It involves the use of multiple compromised computers or devices to generate traffic, making it challenging for the targeted system to handle legitimate requests.

Cyberattack on Indian Government Websites
Source: Twitter

The Cyber Express reached out to some of the affected organizations to verify the alleged cyberattack on Indian government websites. As of now, no official statements or responses have been received, leaving the claims unverified.

It’s worth noting that the StarsX Team hacker group has a history of targeting multiple countries. In a post from October, the group declared its intentions, stating that they are fighting to defend Palestine’s right to independence.

The group condemned Israel, India, France, and America for alleged oppression of the Palestinian people and human rights violations. StarsX Team specifically identified these countries as their main targets.

More Cyberattack Claims by StarsX Team Hacker Group

Amidst the Israel-Hamas conflict, hacktivist collectives such as IRoX Team and StarsX Team have aligned themselves with opposing sides, conducting cyberattacks against each other’s digital infrastructure. The hacktivist groups have declared allegiance to Palestine and identified nations supporting Israel, including India, as their next targets.

This increase in hacktivist activities coincided with the conflict between Israel and Hamas in October. The hackers accused certain countries of supporting Israel and condemned them for their involvement.

Despite a temporary halt due, cyberattacks targeting countries supporting Israel resumed as indicated in a Telegram message.

The message specifically called out India, the United Kingdom, and Australia as supporters of Israel, stating that they would not be spared from hacktivist actions.

The situation reflects the growing intersection between geopolitical conflicts and cyber warfare, where hacktivist groups leverage digital means to express their political stances and carry out cyberattacks on perceived adversaries.

Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

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