Dark Web Actor Allegedly Claims Archi Hives Data Breach

A database linked to an Indian architecture and interior designing firm, Archi Hives, was compromised in a cyberattack. The Archi Hives data breach was attributed to a threat actor known as SirDump. He shared the information regarding a data breach at Archi Hives on June 2, 2024, on the nuovo BreachForums platform, where the threat actor disclosed sensitive details.

The stolen information, which was in the form of a zipped file with two CSV files, revealed a wealth of personal and organizational information. Social media handles, billing, and shipping information, and nicknames were all included in the first CSV file. 

The second file presents a worrisome image of the scope of the Archi Hives database leak by containing more information such as user logins, passwords, and activation keys.

Archi Hives is a well-known architecture and interior design firm founded in the early 1990s and is run by individuals with experience in both fields. 

Archi Hives Data Breach Claimed on Dark Web

The incident had a ripple effect not only on the company but also on the construction sector in India and the larger Asia & Pacific (APAC) region, with the leak’s epicenter being its website, archihives.co.in.

Source: Dark Web

To find out more about the Archi Hives data breach allegations, The Cyber Express contacted the company. However, no official comment or remark has been received regarding this Archi Hives database leak. This leaves the claims for this cyberattack stand unconfirmed right now.

Cyberattacks on Interior Designing Firms

Cyberattacks are a harsh reality for interior design companies, increasing the possibility of data breaches and monetary losses. Studies show that it typically takes 73 days to contain an attack, which can seriously impair operations and cause 60% of small enterprises to fail in less than six months. Each breached record can cost £15,300 to rectify, denting profits, reported Wealth & Finance International.

Strong IT rules, frequent data backups, and personnel training are all components of defense. Creating comprehensive incident response protocols and working with 24/7 cybersecurity monitoring services are crucial. Given the constantly changing nature of cyber threats, interior design firms must give top priority to implementing comprehensive cybersecurity measures to safeguard their operations in an increasingly hostile digital environment.

Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

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