Detectify Connector with AWS Route 53

Last year Detectify announced that we were AWS Technology Partners which meant that getting started with Detectify was made easier. This year we are thrilled to announce the release of a connector between AWS Route 53 to Detectify.

Detectify is a SaaS-based web application and domain security startup. We collaborate with 150+ handpicked white hat hackers and currently offer 1500+ security tests from OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities, subdomain takeovers to S3 buckets misconfigurations and more.

What is the Detectify – Route 53 connector?

By activating this connector, Detectify will be able to pull DNS records data from your AWS Route 53 into your Detectify account. This means domains, subdomains, anything made available in the sharing key. Since the information on Route 53 is constantly changing, this will also sync automatically with what’s shown on your Detectify dashboards to ensure your monitoring is up-to-date.

Why should you connect and monitor DNS records?

The cloud landscape has enabled companies to scale up development and business quickly. This also means that it’s not enough to secure your main applications. Together with this expansion, more digital assets are created and hosted in the cloud making it a challenge for IT security teams to ensure anything connected is also secured including temporary applications.

Some of you are probably familiar with the Hostile Subdomain Takeover discovered by Detectify’s Security Advisor, Frans Rosén. In this method, he was able to takeover subdomains that pointed to Heroku, Github, Squarespace and more, using a practically non-traceable attack vector due to DNS misconfigurations. With this research we added Asset Monitoring and by activating this, you can keep an eye on your subdomains for takeovers using Detectify – even the ones you’ve forgotten about. 

You can activate this in the Asset Inventory tab by following these steps:

  1. You provide the AWS API keys with access to Route 53 key into the Detectify tool to activate the connector
  2. Detectify will automatically update or add subdomains for monitoring onto your account for the domains you’ve already verified on the Detectify platform
  3. You toggle which domain you want to keep monitoring for subdomain takeovers

AWS connector in tool

Why activate the Route 53 connector?

This new feature allows for higher accuracy since we are able to continuously retrieve subdomains from the original DNS records source, and making it easier for you to identify all the web assets available. Then you can see more of your assets in the Asset Inventory view and decide which of them deserves some more security love.

Want to know more? 

If you’re a Detectify customer and have questions or thoughts about our Route 53 connector, reach out to your Customer Success Manager or contact our support team at [email protected]

If you’re currently evaluating Detectify and would like to learn more about the Route 53 connector or Asset Monitoring, you can request a demo to get started today.

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