Detectify security updates for 23 January

For continuous coverage, we push out major Detectify security updates every two weeks, keeping our tool up-to-date with new findings, features and improvements sourced from our security researchers and Crowdsource ethical hacker community. Due to confidentially agreements, we cannot publicize all security update releases here but they are immediately added to our scanner and available to all users. This post highlights a few things that we have improved in the last two weeks.

CVE-2019-2413: Oracle Reports Reflected XSS
One of the endpoints in Oracle Reports reflects the requested URL, which leads to a XSS-vulnerability.

CVE-2018-5006: Adobe AEM SSRF via ReportingServicesProxyServlet
CVE-2018-12809 is a SSRF vulnerability in Adobe AEM. It is possible to see the content of the request, and thus eg. query meta-data if it runs within AWS. Read more about  SSRF here.

CVE-2017-12637: SAP NetWeaver Directory Traversal
It is possible to read the content of locally hosted files. More information about the vulnerability type can be found here.

Adobe AEM CQ Content-Finder XSS
It is possible to get a response that is supposed to be JSON to instead be sent as HTML, which then leads to a XSS-vulnerability.

Oracle Reports Diagnostic Endpoint Exposure
Oracle Reports has a endpoint used for diagnostic information. This gives the attacker information about a system that is supposed to be kept internal.

WGET HSTS List Exposure
When running the WGET-command a file is creating containing information about the HSTS-information from the downloaded links. This file is sometimes accidentally made publicly available.

Exposure of /.lesshst
.lesshst is a file containing history from the command less. Similar to the issue above, this file is sometimes made publicly available.

WordPress newsletter Open Redirect
A open redirect-vulnerability in a popular WordPress Plugin that is used for newsletter subscription management.

WordPress wordfence Configuration Disclosure
A configuration file for Wordfence is sometimes made publicly available, which would disclose that Wordfence is used. This is not very sensitive, but gives an attacker more information about a system.

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Detectify is a continuous web scanner monitor service that can be set up for automated scanning for 1000+ known vulnerabilities including the OWASP Top 10. Check for the latest vulnerabilities!

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