Detectify’s Martina Janevska on stage at Swetugg 2017

Yesterday, the Swetugg conference in Stockholm, Sweden, gathered hundreds of developers for a full day of talks and best practices. Detectify’s software engineer Martina Janevska was one of this year’s speakers. The room was filled when she stepped on stage and started to guide the audience through common vulnerabilities and her previous security mistakes. Martina used her own 2-year old code to demonstrate how much she has learnt about security since she started to work at Detectify – with her new security skillset, she actually hacked her old code to find out how vulnerable it was at the time she built it.

Here are Martina’s slides:

And the Youtube video:

One of Martina’s key takeaways was “It’s never too late to start learning about security”, so why don’t you start off with testing how your code stacks up against OWASP Top 10 with a free Detectify security scan? Let us analyze your code from a hacker’s perspective and give you a detailed report on what you passed or failed.

Stay safe!

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