Dr. Yusuf Hashmi On Cybersecurity Challenges

In the world of cybersecurity where security professionals and hackers collide, Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) play a pivotal role in safeguarding organizations from potential threats. Dr. Yusuf Hashmi, the Group CISO at Jubilant Bhartia Group, provides us with an exclusive insight with The Cyber Express, his daily routine, and the challenges he faces in securing sensitive data.

Morning Rituals: Team Collaboration and Incident Evaluation

For Dr. Hashmi, the day kicks off with a focus on team dynamics. He emphasizes the importance of meeting with his team first thing in the morning to assess any incidents that may have occurred overnight. This practice not only fosters a sense of camaraderie but also ensures that everyone is on the same page regarding the current security practices.

“The first thing that I do is make sure that I meet my team right. Just to take a stocktake of what happened last day and all. Is there anything that needs to be addressed that happened overnight and all? So that gives some”, says Dr. Yusuf Hashmi in a conversation with The Cyber Express.

Following the team meeting, Dr. Hashmi delves into his security dashboards, examining them for any signs of major security incidents. This proactive approach allows him to identify potential threats early on, providing a foundation for swift and effective response.

Keeping Calm in the Storm: Navigating a Data Breach

Inevitably, data breaches are a concern for every CISO. Dr. Hashmi advises against panic when discovering a data breach, emphasizing the need to remain calm and collected. He stresses the importance of understanding the extent of the breach before taking action, avoiding unnecessary alarm among colleagues and stakeholders. This measured approach allows for a thorough investigation and a more informed response.

Talking about keeping cool in a data breach situation, Dr. Hashmi says, “Usually you should not panic about if there’s a data breach because that’s where things start falling apart. Maintaining the cool is the first step when you actually see if something which has is beyond normal right.”

The Road to CISO: From Beginner to Leader

Dr. Hashmi acknowledges that his journey to becoming a CISO involved a strong background in infrastructure. He suggests that those aspiring to reach the CISO level should start by gaining a deep understanding of the infrastructure they are tasked with protecting. This includes knowledge of servers, networks, user access control, and overall security management systems.

Additionally, Dr. Hashmi highlighted the significance of hands-on experience, recommending that individuals begin their cybersecurity careers as analysts on the security operations team. This ground-level understanding at the heart of security operations forms a crucial foundation for anyone aiming to ascend to the role of CISO.

Furthermore, he highlights the necessity of technological prowess in the field of cybersecurity. CISOs must comprehend and leverage various technologies to detect, prevent, and respond to potential threats effectively. Without this technical proficiency, conveying the importance of security measures to organizational management becomes a challenging task.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, Dr. Hashmi asserts that a successful journey to becoming a CISO involves a holistic understanding of infrastructure, hands-on experience at the ground level, and proficiency in the technological aspects of cybersecurity.

The life of a CISO is undoubtedly demanding, requiring a unique blend of technical expertise, leadership skills, and the ability to navigate high-pressure situations. Dr. Yusuf Hashmi’s experiences shed light on the strategic mindset and skill set required to thrive in this crucial role, offering valuable insights for aspiring cybersecurity professionals.

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