E-commerce Security – Detectify Blog

Running an e-commerce site does not only require plenty of business savvy, but also a great deal of security awareness. Retailers handle customers’ personal data and online stores need to be as secure and trustworthy as possible in order to retain their customers’ loyalty. Read our articles on e-commerce security and keep your online store safe from hackers!

Every year, consumers look forward to Black Friday, but unfortunately, so do hackers. How do online retailers prepare for one of the most important days of the retail season and do they invest in security precautions? Find out what the e-commerce experts we interviewed say about Black Friday and security.

A security breach can be devastating for an online store. To find out whether e-commerce retailers are aware of security risks, we have looked into the HTTPS configurations of 915 Swedish online stores. The results show that it is high time for e-commerce to catch up with security best practices.

How can online shoppers looking for a bargain assess the security of an online store? Our security advisor Frans Rosén shared some online shopping security tips on TV4’s Nyhetsmorgon to help raise consumers’ security awareness before Black Friday.

E-commerce is a great solution for people who prefer to shop from the comfort of their home, but it also offers black hats opportunities to hack their way to a good deal. Being aware of the risks is the first step towards making your online store more secure, so go ahead and check out our list of the 7 most common e-commerce security mistakes.

With a wide range of attractive solutions on the market, deciding on an e-commerce platform is not easy. Read our article that covers some of the key points that can help you narrow down your options and choose a platform that suits the needs of your business.

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