Eclypsium Launches Below the Surface: The Supply Chain Security Podcast Series

[ This article was originally published here ]

PORTLAND, Ore.–()– today announced the launch of its new podcast series, . Hosted by cybersecurity veteran , the podcast will be a lively discussion of the threats affecting supply chain, specifically focused on the firmware and low-level code that is a blind spot for many organizations.

Asadoorian is also the host of popular cybersecurity podcast Paul’s Security Weekly, running for 17 years with over 20,000 subscribers. He will be joined regularly on Below the Surface by Scott Scheferman, Threat Landscape Strategist, Eclypsium, as well as other guests from the cybersecurity community. Like Paul’s Security Weekly, the new podcast will be produced in collaboration with SC Media, an essential resource for cybersecurity professionals and the flagship information brand of CyberRisk Alliance.

“Today’s increasingly complex global supply chain means that finished devices may have hardware, software, and firmware components sourced from vendors around the world, all of whom add to the risk and complexity of securing a device. For many, the firmware attack vector falls into the ‘out of sight, out of mind’ category, making it the soft, exposed underbelly of many organizations’ security posture,” said Paul Asadoorian, Eclypsium’s Principal Security Evangelist. “The Below The Surface podcast will provide the audience with unique insights into supply chain and infrastructure code security. I am excited to sit down with experts in these areas and unpack the risks, threats, and amazing research.”

Below the Surface: The Supply Chain Security Podcast launches with two inaugural episodes:

Below The Surface — Episode 1: Paul Asadoorian and Scott Scheferman examine the history and latest developments regarding Secure Boot security research, and the threats we face securing the firmware supply chain.

Below The Surface — Episode 2: Paul Asadoorian and Scott Scheferman break down the Root of Trust (RoT) and other highlights from the August 2022 Below The Surface Threat Report.

Below the Surface is available now at and in all your favorite podcast platforms.


Eclypsium’s cloud-based platform provides digital supply chain security for critical hardware, firmware and software. Eclypsium defends enterprises and government agencies from the deep implants and exploits that have become the vector of choice for modern adversaries. For more information, visit .


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