Enhanced Threat Intelligence Technology Unveiled by Outpost24

Today, Outpost24 announced the release of a new Vulnerability Risk Management solution, Outscan NX. The utilisation of threat intelligence-led vulnerability prioritisation technology (VPT), along with automated network and cloud security assessment, provides a risk-based approach to vulnerability management that cuts cost, saves time and efficiently focuses on reducing the biggest risks for organisations. The technology aims to reduce vulnerability exposure time.

Outscan NX is an advanced vulnerability risk management solution that offers businesses a next-generation approach to securing their networks and cloud environments. Powered by evidence-based threat intelligence, this innovative tool uses attacker behavioural data and advanced machine learning models to analyse and predict the likelihood of a vulnerability being weaponized and exploited over time. By providing easy-to-understand and solution-based risk ratings, Outscan NX enables organizations to prioritize cloud and network vulnerabilities beyond the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) by addressing real threats before they can be exploited by attackers.

According to the Ponemon Institute study, a staggering 60% of breaches occur as a result of known vulnerabilities that have gone unpatched. Additionally, more than half of respondents (52%) are unable to respond to vulnerabilities due to manual processes. These findings underscore the crucial need for organisations to adopt a risk-based approach to vulnerability remediation. By proactively identifying real risks and deploying automated measures to mitigate them, organisations can effectively prevent exploitation in the wild. Such an approach is paramount to increasing security efficiency and improving cyber resilience against evolving threats.

Outpost24’s Outscan NX is a fully integrated solution and provides a consolidated view of the biggest risks that an organization face in their networks, endpoints, and cloud environments:

  • Threat intelligence based risk rating for security teams to identify and prioritize vulnerabilities that pose the greatest risk, saving valuable time and resources
  • Agent based scanning to monitor hybrid and remote workers’ endpoints to minimize risk of disconnected assets for greater security controls
  • Scanning less scanning provides a snapshot of your network and alerts you of potential new risks as they appear in between scans
  • Solution-based reporting empowers security leaders with actionable insights to enhance their decision-making on risk mitigation and remediation strategies.
  • Hybrid and multiple cloud security scanning ensures consistent checks for misconfigurations across all major Cloud Service Providers (CSPs), including AWS, Azure, and GCP in a single console

Recently, Outpost24 revealed new threat intelligence research that examines traffers and the business of stolen credentials.

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