Expert Code Review Meets Powerful Automation

Shipping clean, secure code should be easier. HackerOne originally acquired PullRequest in 2022 to power developer-first security solutions that enable modern development. Semgrep and HackerOne are now pleased to announce their partnership to address the scalability issues of traditional code review and the complexities associated with static analysis tools. Integrating HackerOne’s PullRequest Code Review as a Service with Semgrep’s developer-friendly security automation delivers modern automation capabilities with a seamless human-in-the-loop code review process.

Why Semgrep?

Semgrep is purpose-built with a focus on the modern developer experience. It delivers actionable, low-noise results that are tailored to both security engineers and developers. Its emphasis on speed and extensibility allows HackerOne to align security efforts with high-velocity development teams. Semgrep offers Static Application Security Testing (SAST), Software Composition Analysis (SCA), and secrets scanning, all in one integrated service.

Semgrep + PullRequest

The integration between Semgrep and PullRequest joins seamlessly with your development workflow, operating natively within pull requests without disrupting your velocity. Human-in-the-loop experts validate findings, provide context, offer specific remediations, and engage in conversation. 96% of our past 20,000 reviews earned a developer 👍 (can you say that about any security service ever?).

Semgrep + PullRequest brings together the advantages of modern code analysis with the convenience of a managed service. This collaboration aims to redefine code review by making the process straightforward, collaborative, and tailored to the needs of today’s development teams.

Semgrep + PullRequest is where human expertise and advanced technology converge for a better developer experience. Ready to check out a more practical approach to modern development? Book a PullRequest Demo or check out Semgrep today.

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