Explosive USB Drive Gets Detonated when Plugged into Computer

Journalists across Ecuador were targeted using a novel bomb resembling a USB drive. Once inserted into a computer, these devices detonate.

According to a report from CBS News, over five Ecuadorian journalists, they received a USB letter bomb from Quinsaloma.

The letters represented “a new escalation in violence against the press, said Fundamedios NGO, and called for “immediate intervention of the State.”

Envelopes with USB sticks were addressed to Lenin Artieda, an Ecuavisa private TV station journalist.


Upon receiving the drive, Lenin Artieda inserted it into his computer, which exploded.

Juan Zapata, the interior minister, stated that all the devices were dispatched from a single town. Among them, three were sent to media outlets in Guayaquil, and the remaining two were directed toward the capital city, Quito.

On Monday, Interior Minister Juan Zapata reported that several letter bombs were dispatched to at least five journalists employed at radio and television stations in Ecuador. This country has been severely affected by violence. Regrettably, one of the bombs detonated; however, it did not result in significant injuries.

Interior Minister Juan Zapata reported that the police seized another package intended for journalist Carlos Vera at a courier company located in Guayaquil. Fortunately, the box was intercepted before it could reach its intended destination.

Prosecutors confirmed that the police conducted a controlled detonation of one of the devices sent to TC Television.

As per Xavier Chango, a police official, the flash drive that detonated was equipped with a 5-volt explosive charge and is believed to have employed RDX.

On Monday, the Ecuadorean attorney-general I’m office verified that it had initiated a terrorism investigation into the letters.

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