Ferrari Warns Customers Their Personal Data Might Have Been Hijacked

[ This article was originally published here ]

Red Team 2, Ferrari 0? 

Italian luxury sports car maker Ferrari has warned its small but extremely wealthy list of customers that their personal information may have been exposed in a “cyber incident.”

The apparent data grab was disclosed five months after the supercar icon when the RansomEXX group posted 7GB of information it claimed to have stolen from Ferrari. The data released in October included internal documents, including data sheets and repair manuals. 

The firm on March 20, 2023, that it “was recently contacted by a threat actor with a ransom demand related to certain client contact details.” We asked Ferrari if the two incidents are related or not. However, we have not had a reply at the time of writing. 

Troy Hunt, creator of Have I Been Pwned, tweeted a copy of what appears to be . It said a “threat actor” had accessed “a limited number of systems in our IT environment” and data potentially exposed includes “names, addresses, email addresses and telephone numbers.” The letter went on to say that no payment or bank details, sensitive payment info, nor details of Ferraris owned or ordered had been “stolen.” 


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