Flickr ATO Fix Bypass – Ron Chan

On Apr 5, I had a look on Flickr login flow with Yahoo. Not after long I ran into a Flickr bug that is quite something, it is a one-click attack (no click is required if the payload is embedded in img src) that allow attacker to steal Flickr’s user access token. So I submitted the bug to Yahoo happily, and hopefully I can get a good response from the report.

The next day, Apr 6, Yahoo team replied and told me it was a duplicate, there was someone who submitted the bug before I do. Heart breaking, but that’s normal for a bug hunter, move on, Ron, move on.

On Apr 21, I come across a tweet and found out the duplicate details, you can read it here.

So I checked the fix by Yahoo, and turned out the fix could be bypassed!

To keep the story short, I assume you have read the blog post above. Remember how Yahoo restrict the redirect_uri directory could only be /signin/yahoo?

If you do something like

no access token returned, the directory is difficult to escaped, no more ../

However the payload behind %3f seems quite free to mess with, so I appended a hash behind the URL.

Guess what? The %23 is decoded to be # in the response.

And target .data is appended behind the hash.

This mean, if I can find any open redirect in Flickr, then I can smuggle .data to attacker site.

Open redirect in Flickr is not difficult to find as Yahoo! does not accept Open Redirect as valid report, lucky for me I found one after 5 minutes.

Open Redirect Payload (Fixed now)

The 302 response is

Now we chain them up.

Stage 1 ->

Stage 2 ->[access_token_here]&.crumb=

Stage 3 ->[access_token]

Stage 4 ->[access_token]

This report alone worth 2.5k from Yahoo!, I could not be more thankful for the reward from Yahoo. Stay tuned for the rest of my 6k finding in Flickr, it is not fixed entirely at this moment, I will update the finding here once its fixed. Hope you like this story.

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