GhostSec Hacker Group Claims Cyber Attack On ETECSA

Notorious hacking collective GhostSec has allegedly executed a cyber attack on ETECSA, the state-owned telecommunications company in Cuba.

The group claims to have accessed and subsequently published a partial database comprising phone numbers of ETECSA customers.

While the authenticity of these claims is yet to be verified, concerns about the security of personal information have been raised.

The Cyber Express has reached out to ETECSA for official confirmation regarding the cyber attack. However, the company has not shared any official confirmation or statement about the cyber attack on ETECSA.

The absence of an official acknowledgement hinders the authenticity of the claim made by the threat actor. 

Cyber attack on ETECSA for ‘imposing fees and charging extra’

The claim made by GhostSec was shared on their Telegram channel and brought to public attention by threat intelligence service Falcon Feeds through a tweet. The threat actor’s message directed at ETECSA explicitly expressed their grievances.

cyber attack on ETECSA, GlostSec
FalconFeedsio on Twitter

“GhostSec OpLibertad – etc., we really don’t like the way you operate. You charge exorbitant fees for subpar services and also enforce censorship, all while being owned by the regime. Here at GhostSec, we vehemently oppose such practices,” read the post.

“As a result, we have targeted your telecommunication company, ETECSA, which holds significant importance as the regime’s primary and controlled telecom provider.

“Our intention was to disrupt your operations and give you a taste of your own medicine. We hope this serves as a wake-up call, and eventually, you understand the true meaning of freedom and begin to support it.”

While the details of the leaked partial database have not been fully disclosed, it is believed to contain substantial information, most notably including phone numbers and associated details of ETECSA customers.

The hackers’ message encouraged the Cuban people to stand united, organize themselves, and challenge the regime’s alleged malpractices.

GhostSec, in their post, assured the Cuban people that they have their backs in this fight against what they perceive as corruption and censorship. The hackers vowed to continuously disrupt the current regime, subjecting them to various penetrations and causing inconvenience.

It is important to note that at this stage, the veracity of the GhostSec hacking claim remains unconfirmed. The investigation is ongoing, and ETECSA’s response is eagerly awaited. 

Cyber attack on ETECSA: A warning for telecos and customers 

As the situation unfolds, ETECSA must address the claims and communicate transparently with its customers and the general public. Safeguarding personal information is of utmost importance, and measures should be implemented promptly to ensure the security and privacy of ETECSA’s clientele.

The GhostSec cyber attack on ETECSA serves as a reminder of the ever-present threats faced by companies operating in the digital landscape.

Organizations must remain vigilant, continually strengthening their cybersecurity infrastructure and prioritizing protecting sensitive customer data.

While the motive behind the alleged attack remains unclear, it highlights the potential vulnerabilities within the telecommunications sector.

Authorities and cybersecurity agencies worldwide should collaborate to investigate such incidents thoroughly, apprehend the perpetrators, and take necessary steps to prevent future breaches.

As the ETECSA cyber attack investigation progresses, individuals and organizations must remain cautious, taking proactive measures to safeguard their personal information and digital assets. Cybersecurity awareness, robust password management, and regular software updates are vital to mitigate the risks posed by cyber threats.

Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information

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