Google Chrome’s organize tabs will automatically reorder tabs

In a bid to upgrade user experience, the Chrome team is developing an “Organise Tabs” feature, soon to be seen at the top left corner of the browser, adjacent to the tab search function. This new addition would be a natural extension of Tab Groups functionality.

“Organise Tabs” is expected to take automation a step further by smartly reordering tabs, directing them to various window groups. Moreover, this new feature may potentially introduce an automatic tab group creation once tabs are systematically categorised.

For those unfamiliar, the “Tab Groups” in Chrome essentially serve as a tool to declutter one’s web browser space.

Chrome’s Tab Groups feature is a powerful tool to manage your tabs. Imagine if your desk was cluttered with lots of papers. It would be hard to find what you need, right? Now, think of each of those papers as an internet tab.

If you have many tabs open, it’s like having a messy desk. To make things tidy, you can use “tab groups” to put similar tabs together, like grouping all your recipe tabs or all your shopping tabs. It’s like putting papers into different folders on your desk. You can even give each group a name and a color so you can quickly find it.

With the introduction of “Organise Tabs”, Chrome is poised to offer its users an optimised browsing space, where tabs are as organised as documents in colour-coded folders on a desk.

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