Google Revealed RETVec to Defend Malicious Emails & Spam

The text-to-dense representation techniques vary, evolving from character bi-grams to advanced subword vectorizers, combating OOV challenges like adversarial attacks and typos. 

As the strategies include subword-level tokenization and decomposing unknown words into n-grams for effective neural network training.

Researchers at Google recently developed and unveiled a new resilient and efficient text vectorizer dubbed “RETVec,” which will defend Gmail users against malicious emails and spam.


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RETVec is an efficient, multilingual, next-gen text vectorizer with built-in adversarial resilience. This next-gen text vectorizer is resilient to character-level manipulations like-

  • Insertion
  • Deletion
  • Typos
  • Homoglyphs
  • LEET substitution

There are two layers in the RETVec character encoder, and here below, we have mentioned those layers:-

  • Integerizer layer
  • Binarizer layer
RETVec architecture (Source - Arxiv)
RETVec architecture (Source – Arxiv)

RETVec uses a unique character encoder, handling UTF-8 efficiently. It effortlessly supports 100+ languages without lookup tables or fixed vocabulary. Also, being a layer, it seamlessly fits into any TF model without extra pre-processing.

RETVec Binarizer boosts word representation but lacks competitiveness. Researchers enhance it with a small model, boosting accuracy and outperforming others.

TensorFlow models easily employ RETVec for string vectorization in just one line. Besides this, the raw strings were handled with built-in pre-processing.

Moreover, this system also works perfectly for on-device mobile and web use cases since it supports the:-

Researchers tested RETVec against adversarial content using a Google spam filter. Swapping SentencePiece with RETVec improved spam detection by 38% at a 0.80% false positive rate, reducing latency by 30%. 

This suggests RETVec is competitive for real-world tasks, boosting confidence in its effectiveness.

How to optimize RETVec for better multilingual skills, robustness, and smaller models in large language models (LLMs) is a key question. For smaller LLMs, where the vocabulary layer can be over 20% of the parameters, RETVec eliminates it. 

Yet, using RETVec in generative models poses challenges, as its 256-float embedding doesn’t directly convert to softmax output. A new training method compatible with text generation is needed. 

Experimenting with character-by-character decoding and the VQ-VAE model renders indecisive results. Future work addresses these limitations and explores RETVec’s use as a word embedding, replacing GloVe and word2vec and training text similarity models with its character encoder.


To install the latest TensorFlow version of RETVec, you can use “pip”:-

Besides this, on TensorFlow 2.6+ and Python 3.8+, the RETVec has already been tested.

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