How Your Business Could Protect Its Cybersecurity in a Surprisingly Cost-Effective Fashion

Cybersecurity is critical to any company. It helps to protect your organisation, workforce and clients from cyber-attacks. By doing this, you are reducing the chance of identity theft, data breaches, ransomware, and many other types of cyber threats. 

Your company is legally obliged to try and protect your staff and clients from such attacks. And with cyber-attacks consistently high (last year, 39% of companies said they had to block an attack) cybersecurity has never been more important. 

Cost is often a big concern for any company when it comes to cybersecurity. However, that doesn’t have to be the case. Here are some ways to implement cybersecurity in a cost-effective manner.


1. Use standard cybersecurity methods.

Most modern companies share information via communications technology all the time in order to do business. If this information gets intercepted or stolen then it can have enormous implications for your organisation. 

To try and prevent this, it is important to familiarise yourself with the NCSC Cyber Assessment Framework or NIST. Either of these can help you discover what risks your company might face and how best to mitigate these dangers. You can then write an informed policy or framework for your team to follow.

By doing this, you allow your team to have access to an efficient and inexpensive way of avoiding cyber threats. You also ensure you are complying with at least the basic legal requirements to protect your company, team and clients. 


2. Conduct regular cybersecurity training

Use a webinar platform to teach all your workers how to avoid cybersecurity threats. A webinar is ideal for this because it will reach all your workforce, whether they work on-site or remotely.  Make sure that you hold this training regularly, as cyber threats are constantly evolving and cybercriminals are always looking for new ways to catch you out. 

Security training is important because it enables your workers to identify threats and avoid danger if they encounter one. 


As your company relies so heavily on computers and technology, it is crucial you avoid data breaches and ransomware, as this could cost your organisation a lot of money. On top of this, it could also cause serious harm to its reputation.


3. Invest in some cost-effective cybersecurity. 

No matter what you do and how careful you are, it’s still important to invest in at least some cybersecurity tools. Hackers are always looking for ways to penetrate your company’s security, searching for ways to exploit any weaknesses. 

Using cloud-based cybersecurity tools or utilising cost-effective cybersecurity options can save your company a lot of money and disruption in the long run.

How much money you should spend depends on many different things and should be assessed carefully, but protecting your company from cyber criminals is critical and should not be underestimated. 


4. Get cyber insurance 

Cyber insurance enables you to protect your company from financial issues caused by cyber-attacks. This might mean a financial outlay upfront but if your company holds a lot of sensitive information, it could be a wise investment. 


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