Humans of Detectify – Helping our customers with appsec success

The crowd has spoken… Earlier this year, G2 reviews platform awarded Detectify with a Best Support badge for our category of DAST and we thought we’d take a moment to celebrate our awesome colleagues, especially Detectify’s Customer Success team! 

Customer Success is at the front-line of service for all Detectify customers, and we have a dynamic team of Customer Success Managers (CSM), -Engineers and Support Specialists with both technical and sales backgrounds. They help customers with onboarding, adoption, troubleshooting, and security awareness – anything that we can collaborate on to ensure our customers’ application security success.

Customer Success at Detectify takes teamwork

When you ask each of them individually to describe their teammates, you’ll hear: open-minded, humble, helpful, collaborative, and solution-oriented.

There’s consensus that they share their experiences, challenges, and wins with each other. There are no stupid questions, and the team is transparent about issues and things to improve. If they don’t know the answer, they try to find it. 

“I feel like we have each other’s backs, and we try to learn from each other, and hopefully, our customers feel included in this as well.” –  Jessica Österholm, Enterprise CSM

“Joining this team remotely and in a completely different time zone, I was nervous about how onboarding and becoming close with the team would go. I couldn’t have asked for a smoother transition.” – MacKenzie Silva, Mid-Market CSM 

Practicing web security on the job

As part of the CSM team’s natural curiosity, they constantly learn and grow professionally and personally. 

“It’s been a bit over three years since I joined Detectify, and it feels like three different companies! I’ve learned to adapt and be open to change.” – Ipek Ogun, Head of CSM. 

“Detectify has taught me things about practical security that I wouldn’t have picked up if I wasn’t working with it daily. I’ve known about exploitation techniques like SQL Injection and Remote Code Execution conceptually for years. Still, I’ve learned a lot about how they work and the practical risks involved with leaving these vulnerabilities open.” – Zackery Selig, Technical CSM 

“I have set up a couple of websites and configured their domains but never thought of how it all works. Now I know how all that works, related to subdomain takeovers and even what XSS is. I’ve grown so much during the past eight months!” -Yiğitcan Aydin, Customer Success Engineer.

Customer Success predictions of the product roadmap

In any company, the Customer Success team probably has the best insights into the pulse of how customers and the market is feeling since they are the first to know when things go wrong, and go amazingly right.

When looking to the future, the CSM team expects Detectify to continue its automated hacking possibilities and scaling solutions to grow together with their partners. They also see security awareness moving up on the priority lists, and Detectify is invited to speak at internal training on approach app sec with the mindset of a hacker.

“I see more and more companies realizing the need and benefit of continuous scanning, and also seeing the benefits of adding a crowd-based component to their security toolbox much like Detectify Crowdsource.”  – Asad Mohammad, Enterprise CSM

Breaking into the security industry

Cybersecurity is stereotypically for the nerds and maybe not the first field of choice for job seekers. Detectify is on a mission to change that and how hiring is typically done in the security industry. Many of our colleagues do not come from a security background, and this hasn’t stopped them from succeeding in their roles like the Customer Success team.

Their advice? If you’re interested in security, don’t be afraid to dive in headfirst! The best way to get a foothold is to approach with curiosity and ask questions, attend webinars or events, research for knowledge and read as much as possible. 

“Make it a priority, and you will succeed. Security is such a broad, rapidly-changing field that you’ll never run out of things to know. If you find that passion, like anything, it will be rewarding.” – Ania Gwizdek, Customer Support Specialist and Security Champion

It is an area where everyone can grow and where learning never ends. There are indeed particular, specialized skills required for some positions. However, if you have the right mindset, willingness to learn, and enjoy fast paced tech environments, you will find a role from which you can start and continue to grow. 

Security tips from Detectify CSM

Some top security tips from the Detectify CSM team:

  • Always keep your web browser software up-to-date
  • Use a password manager, but not the one in the browser
  • Invite ethical hackers in to collaborate with you on your appsec
  • Even if I can’t access the page, I may not stop there. As an attacker, I would test your access control next, and if that becomes vulnerable … well  ¯_(ツ)_/¯. So cover all your bases!
  • Be observant, proactive and forget the phrase “it won’t happen to me.”

Could you picture yourself as part of our Customer Success Team and work with other Humans of Detectify? Apply for one of our many open positions on our career page.

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