In Defense of C/C++ (Part 2)
With great power comes great responsibility
Welcome back to this second part of the series. In the first part, we looked into why there are recommendations for moving away from C/C++. In this part, we will look into how we can mitigate and remove some of the very real risks that C and C++ bring with them.
There are differences between C and C++, so I have divided up the recommendations into sections. First C, then C++.
Secure C Programming
Secure programming in C requires careful attention due to inherent vulnerabilities related to memory management, input validation, and system-level interactions. Below is comprehensive guidance for secure C programming:
1. Input Validation
2. Buffer Overflow Protection
Especially the point about using safe functions is important when writing new code, the later C standards come with functionality that can avoid the most egregious errors when manipulating buffers.
3. Memory Management
4. Use of Compiler and Security Tools
Example using GCC:
gcc -Wall –Wextra –Werror –fstack-protector-strong -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -O2 -pie –fPIE –o program program.c
Quick Security Checklist:
Input validation
Avoid buffer overflows
Safe memory management
Prevent integer overflows
Avoid format-string vulnerabilities
Secure temp files
Check error conditions explicitly
Compile securely
Test with static/dynamic analysis tools
Minimize privileges
Following this guidance significantly reduces vulnerabilities and ensures secure, robust, and reliable C programs, when writing new code in C. Unfortunately, there are millions of lines of code out there already written in older versions of C, without the benefits of later C standards.
Secure C++ Programming
Fortunately, we have more options for secure programming in C++, since this language is situated at a little higher level than C. Secure programming in C++ involves both language-specific best practices and general security measures. C++ provides features that can enhance security compared to C, but misuse can also introduce vulnerabilities. Here’s detailed guidance:
1. Input Validation
2. Avoiding Buffer Overflows
3. Safe Memory Management
Smart pointers have been in C++ since C++ 11. I can hardly overstate the benefits for security regarding smart pointers, so I have included a few more examples of the benefits here.
Smart pointers in C++ provide automated and safer memory management, adhering to the RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Initialization) principle. Their benefits include:
1. Automatic Memory Management
2. Resource Safety
3. Exception Safety
4. Clear Ownership Semantics
5. Simplified Code
6. Reduced Cognitive Load
7. Interoperability with Standard Containers
Example without using smart pointers:
Example with smart pointers:
Quick Checklist for Secure C++ Programming:
Always validate input
Use RAII and smart pointers
Favor safe STL container methods
Use exceptions carefully and consistently
Prevent integer overflows
Prefer streams over C-style I/O
Use secure random number generators
Compile with security flags and warnings
Employ static analysis regularly
Practice least privilege
Avoid undefined behavior
I hope that this part of the series has given you the knowledge that there are features within the later standards for C and C++, that can help us write more secure code. The latest standards for both C and C++ are C23 and C++23, both of which come with new features related to the security of using them.
Within the C and C++ communities, there is a recognition that C and C++ must become easier to use in a secure manner, if they are to remain relevant in the coming years. Recently there was an article in the registrar where Bjarne Stoustrup, the creator of C++ calls on the ISO committee responsible for the C++ standard to prioritize more defences within the language to defend against the many serious attacks we have seen in recent years. You can find that article here: C++ creator calls for action to address ‘serious attacks’ • The Register. In the third and last part of this series I will be looking into some of the tooling that can help us write secure code in C and C++.
The post In Defense of C/C++ (Part 2) first appeared on Cybersecurity Magazine.
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