Information Security News Resources

A centralized way to consume your information security news, with a focus on web application security. Save time and effort, because keeping up-to-date shouldn’t be a hassle.

All you have to do is subscribe to these feeds with your favorite RSS reader. They consist of not only blogs, but also YouTube channels and newsletters.

These are all the resources I use, besides my better way to use Twitter, to stay up-to-date on all of the information security news.

Let me know if I’m missing anything!

PS: As a thank you, newsletter subscribers receive 100+ InfoSec RSS feeds in OPML format, for easy RSS reader import.👇

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Blogs 🐝

  • 10degres
  • Agarri : Sécurité informatique offensive
  • Alex Chapman’s Blog
  • Alphabot Security
  • Assetnote
  • Blog – WILL BUTLER
  • blog on
  • Brett Buerhaus
  • Brute XSS
  • Bugcrowd
  • cat ~/
  • Comments for Bug bounty write-ups
  • Dan Nemec’s Blog
  • Detectify Blog
  • Detectify Labs
  • EdOverflow
  • Ezequiel Pereira
  • HackerOne
  • HAHWUL :: 하훌
  • Honoki
  • Infosec Blog
  • InsertScript
  • insomnia is needed for victory.
  • Intigriti
  • Irongeek’s Security Site
  • Jack
  • Jake Creps
  • Jasmin Landry, a.k.a JR0ch17
  • John Opdenakker
  • Kamil Vavra
  • Patrik Fehrenbach
  • Pentester Land
  • PortSwigger Web Security Blog
  • Posts on Jomar
  • Practical Program Analysis
  • RCE Security
  • Reconless
  • rez0
  • Richard’s Infosec blog
  • Ron Chan
  • ropnop blog
  • Sam Curry
  • Security and Bug Hunting
  • SecurityTrails Blog
  • Shubham Shah
  • Source Incite
  • Stories by Alyssa Herrera on Medium
  • Stories by d0nut on Medium
  • Stories by Daniel Marte on Medium
  • Stories by Jonathan Bouman on Medium
  • The unofficial HackerOne disclosure timeline
  • These aren’t the access_tokens you’re looking for
  • Wallarm Blog
  • XSS Jigsaw
  • ysamm bug bounty writeups
  • Zero Day Initiative
  • ZeroSec – Adventures In Information Security

YouTube 🐝

  • AEMSecurity
  • Ben Bidmead
  • Bug Bounty Reports Explained
  • Bugcrowd
  • Cybersecurity Meg
  • Farah Hawa
  • HackerOne YT
  • Hacking Simplified
  • How They Got Hacked
  • InsiderPhD
  • John Hammond
  • LiveOverflow
  • Lupin
  • Nahamsec
  • Open Source Bug Bounty
  • PwnFunction
  • Rana Khalil
  • Reconless
  • RogueSMG
  • STÖK
  • Sun Knudsen
  • The Cyber Mentor
  • The XSS rat
  • TomNomNom YT
  • Vickie Li Dev
  • We Hack Purple Academy, Community and Podcast!
  • codingo
  • hakluke YT
  • intigriti
  • jhaddix
  • mallocsys
  • zseano

Newsletters 🐝

  • Daniel Miessler
  • EdOverflow
  • tl;dr sec

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