Introducing Detectify API v 2

We have released Detectify API v 2 to help you integrate Detectify with your own systems and make it your own. Our old API has served us well, but all good things come to an end and it was time to replace it with a new and improved version.

We think security should be easy to integrate into the development process and our API does just that by allowing you to easily trigger scans and get Detectify data.

What’s new?

The new version of the API supports the standard REST format and is also easier to maintain, which means we can bring you cool new features faster than before. You might notice that Detectify API 2 has fewer functions, but don’t worry – we’ve only removed what is never used.

Where can I find the documentation for this awesome new API?

You can go ahead and check out Detectify API v 2 documentation straightaway.

What about the old API?

If you’re used to the old version of the API, don’t worry! API v 1 is still available, but we recommend you to switch to the new version.

How do I get started?

To start using Detectify API v 2, you need to generate an API key. You can then implement all the methods that help you work with security.

Does my Detectify plan include access to the API?

Please note that the Starter plan does not include access to the API. The Professional plan includes basic access (start, stop check status of scans), while the Enterprise plan includes full access.

To upgrade your account, contact sales.

Feedback and suggestions

We’d love to hear more about how you work with security and how we can help you out with Detectify API. If you have any comments or suggestions, let us know by emailing us at hello[at]

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