(ISC)² Certified in Cybersecurity Exam Now Available in More Languages

[ This article was originally published here ]

The (ISC)² exam, designed for entry- and junior-level practitioners or career changers looking to start a new cybersecurity career, is now available in six languages, including Chinese, Japanese, Korean, German, Spanish and English.  

Making this exam available in additional languages is a key part of the association’s global pledge of , which offers and self-paced education courses for one million people through the (ISC)² Candidate program. 

The revealed that more than 464,000 cybersecurity workers joined the profession in 2022. Despite that growth, the demand for cybersecurity workers outpaces the supply. In fact, China faces a shortage of 1.4 million cybersecurity professionals, and Germany needs more than 100,000 cybersecurity professionals. Offering this exam in more languages will help to increase the number of certified professionals in these countries. 

The is also available in Chinese, German and Spanish, with Japanese and Korean coming soon.

Candidates are encouraged to join the online on the (ISC)² Community to connect with others preparing for the exam. 

The Certified in Cybersecurity certification recently topped the list of by The Enterprisers Project, an online publication and community helping CIOs and IT leaders solve problems. 


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