Israel Attacked! Israel Citizen Data Leaked By Anonymous Sudan

Days after initiating a mass power disruption across Israel, hacker group Anonymous Sudan has leaked data belonging to the citizens of the country.

In a message posted about the Israel citizen data leak on the Telegram channel of the hacktivist group, a .txt file named Israel_leak was published. The post further read that ‘more is coming.’

Alon Gal, co-founder & CTO at the cybercrime intelligence company Hudson Rock posted screenshots of the data from the Israel citizen data leak by Anonymous Sudan in a LinkedIn post. In his post, he also stated that the information was from “Israelis who were compromised by info-stealers”.

Israel citizen data leak by Anonymous Sudan

The Telegram message about the Israel citizen data leak by the Anonymous Sudan group received numerous responses in the form of emojis and comments. The supporters of the group applauded its operations against Israel.

Upon reviewing the API data shared by Alon in his post, The Cyber Express found the following details, further solidifying the claims regarding the Israel citizen data leak:

Israel Citizen Data Leak
Screenshot of an email search result on Hudson Rock

The email address mentioned on the post did fetch results confirming that it was impacted by an info-stealer attack. Credentials were at risk from the entire device, the result read.

The credential leak in this cyberattack can lead to further exploitation which is why it is of critical importance that readers change their passwords and secure their systems with the security tools.

Israel citizen data leak and OpIsrael campaign

“Operation Israel (OpIsrael) is one of the longest-running campaigns launched by Hacktivists, targeting Israeli organizations. Recently, however, it was observed that hacktivists were claiming attacks on ICS components within Israel,” said a report by Cyble Research and Intelligence Labs (CRIL).

Since its inception, Anonymous Sudan has been on the forefront of OpIsrael campaigns.

Several social media platforms have video messages circulating in the name of Anonymous Sudan. Its members have continued to condemn and threaten Israel with consequences.

Last month, Anonymous Sudan disrupted the website of Israel intelligence agency Mossad with a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack. Days before it, the threat group took down the websites of major Israeli media outlets including The Jerusalem Post.

These threats are often made as a response to the war crimes against Palestine. One of the video messages said, “We will be hell for Israel. Now we will unleash our strongest attack and punishment against Israel.”

The group called its crimes a “temporary regime” in which they will target every infrastructure. The video further spoke about the hacktivist group’s support for Gaza and the formation of the OpIsrael campaign.

In another incident, Anonymous Sudan also claimed to disrupt the Iron Dome, Israel’s air defense system developed by Rafael Advanced Defense Systems and Israel Aerospace Industries.

Though the Israel’s Defense Forces called the incident a “technical fault”, the hacktivist group claimed responsibility for the attack.

On on May 11, the malfunction in the Iron Dome made headlines when an Iron Dome interceptor missile got fired from Gaza into Israel. It landed on a house in Rehovot on May 11 immediately killing a 70-year-old resident who had limited mobility and injuring several other civilians.

The Cyber Express has been reporting about Anonymous Sudan’s consistent attacks on Israel and India, both of which have recently established friendly relations with Russia.

As a result, it has become difficult to determine the true intentions of the group and detect any patterns in their attacks.

While the group claims to launch DDoS attacks on Swedish, Dutch, Australian, and German firms in retaliation for anti-Muslim activities, researchers have discovered hidden ties that suggest a different motive, we found.

After conducting an investigation, the Trustwave SpiderLabs research team has concluded that Anonymous Sudan is likely a sub-group of Killnet, a Pro-Russian threat actor group with whom they publicly identify.

Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.

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