IT Security FAQ 1: What should you think about when approving an app on Facebook?

There are all kinds of apps on Facebook – quizzes, games and corporate sweepstakes. But it might be a good idea to keep track of what apps you are approving, and what kind of information you are allowing them to see about both yourself and your friends.

Comment from our expert:
“When approving a Facebook app, make sure to check what you are really giving them access to. If you are installing a game, it might not make sense for it to know who your mother is, for example. Is the information they are asking for reasonable? And if yes, do you really feel that it’s worth approving the app? The same thing also applies when downloading new apps to your phone,” says Johan Edholm at Detectify.

”If you stop using an app, it might also be a good idea to revoke its access to your account. On Facebook, you are really ”paying” for apps by giving them access to your information; so why keep on paying when you are not using the services anymore? Keep track of the apps that are tracking you by visiting Settings > Apps and see which ones are ”logged in with Facebook” right now.”

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