Jobs Victoria loses executive director of business operations and digital services – Software – Training & Development

Jobs Victoria’s executive director of business operations and digital services Brad Petry has said he is he moving on.

Jobs Victoria’s departing executive director of business operations and digital services Brad Petry.

Careers Victoria

Petry shared his departure in a Linkedin post; the Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions (DJSIR) – which houses the employer-employee matchmaking agency – declined to comment on Petry’s next career move or plans to replace him. 

Petry did not reply to iTnews’ request for comment, but said in the post that he was “taking a break for a little while to travel, and catch up on lost time with my family and friends.” 

He described the delivery of “a modern, technology and data-enabled systems that supported Victoria’s employment services” as one of the “highlights in the role”.

“We built technology, systems and data products that enabled efficient, effective solutions that put data at the centre of decision-making, and we did it in 22 months,” he wrote on LinkedIn.

An organisation chart in DJSIR’s 2021 – 22 annual report states that the position Petry held reports to DJSIR deputy secretary Lisa Buckingham; Petry headed Jobs Victoria’s operations, insights and digital channels division. 

According to the report, the division “planned, developed and released” Jobs Victoria’s Salesforce-based platform Vantage, which administered the Andrews government’s ‘wage subsidy program’.

The $619.4 million scheme to get job seekers back to work after lockdowns and fill critical gaps in the state’s supply chain like forklift operators was delivered over the single platform, which replaced 12 previous grants management systems.  

Vantage was successful at “attracting applications from 4226 Victorian employers, and administering 1859 grants to Victorian businesses who employed jobseekers from priority cohorts as at late May 2022,” the report states.

One of Jobs Victoria’s partners for the project, KPMG, said at Salesforce World Tour in Sydney last year that replacing the 12 previous grants management systems with Vantage had provided a more seamless user experience. 

Petry, who also presented, added that Vantage had made it possible to develop capabilities that would provide more insights across the whole of a jobseeker’s interactions with employers and employment support services. 

“So, if a jobseeker registers for our online matching platform, but also speaks to a career counsellor and then gets a job, we want to be able to see that journey… and give them the next best action.”

Petry has worked for DJSIR for three-and-a-half years; he started as director of technology and operations of its Working for Victoria division in April 2020 before he was promoted to Jobs Victoria’s executive director of business operations and digital services. 

He has also held data and analytics roles at the Department of Premier and Cabinet, the Victorian Department of Justice and Regulation and the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

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